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Topic: Summer movie season

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Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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Summer movie season

What did y'all think of the summer flicks? Avengers: A pleasant surprise, I had no expectations and this one went way above. Prometheus: Visually spectacular, but muddled story and giant potholes made it a bit underwhelming. The Dark Knight Rises: A fitting end to the Nolan Batman trilogy, not as good as the previous installment but still quite good.


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

High King and Conqueror of the Seven Kingdoms
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Batman was a huge letdown! Though I still enjoyed it. So many loopholes in the logic of that movie its scary. And Littlefinger must have had teleporting lessons from Bruce Wayne, How the hell did he get back to Gotham?
Avengers was absolutely fantastic and way above what I expected! And I expected a LOT! Looking forward to Avengers 2 in 2016 as well as the Avengers tv show.


AS private parts we are to the gods, they play with us for their sport. 

Children Of The Forest VP
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UMMM....... Not one of you have mentioned " Twilight" movies are you not in love with Edward as
so many fans are ? ):


" None is so blind as those who will not see  "

Children Of The Forest VP
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I haven't seen any summer movies but Aegon and you are reminding me of an awesome movie in
the same genre " The Watchmen ".


" None is so blind as those who will not see  "

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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WildSeed wrote:

UMMM....... Not one of you have mentioned " Twilight" movies are you not in love with Edward as
so many fans are ? ):



"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Children Of The Forest VP
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DonalNoyesArm wrote:
WildSeed wrote:

UMMM....... Not one of you have mentioned " Twilight" movies are you not in love with Edward as
so many fans are ? ):



          Mercy and take pity Warden. I only jest , can't stand the frenzied fans and I've never seen the movies.

          A simple " clout to the ear " would put me straight. aww 


" None is so blind as those who will not see  "

Priestess of R'hllor
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I have seen ALL the Twilight movies just so I could have proper ammunition. *loads gun*

Haven't seen any of the above. Avengers doesn't interest me in the least (I've seen Thor and found it to be crap, sorry if anyone here is a fan), however I want to see Prometheus as I'm a big Ridley Scott fan, even with the not-so-favorable reviews. I guess I'll go see TDKR as well, eventually. 


"Fuck you, Andy Pandy. I AM the loop."

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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Macha, I really had NO interest in The Avengers also, I felt the movie was just a marketing ploy. Well, it was not, if you are a fan of Joss Whedon's previous work, check it out.


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

High King and Conqueror of the Seven Kingdoms
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Avengers is the best superhero movie ever! Followed closely by Dark Knight.
Twilight? I will call my banners if the COTF blaspheme like that again!
Watchmen was freakin awesome!


AS private parts we are to the gods, they play with us for their sport. 

Priestess of R'hllor
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DNA - I....confess. I'm not a Whedon fan. And I'm not one for superhero flicks either. I've only enjoyed Batman adaptations every once in a while because..well, he doesn't have any super powers. Na na na na na na na na na!


"Fuck you, Andy Pandy. I AM the loop."

High King and Conqueror of the Seven Kingdoms
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There are a couple of heroes in avengers who don't have powers. Captain America, peak of physical perfection, Hawkeye and Black Widows regular guy and girl with extensive spy training.


AS private parts we are to the gods, they play with us for their sport. 

Priestess of R'hllor
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Aegon the Conqueror wrote:

 Captain America, peak of physical perfection, Hawkeye and Black Widows regular guy and girl with extensive spy training.

 Of course, it might help if she weren't such a walking cliche. Hawkeye - maybe but the name reminds me too much of Alan Alda's Hawkeye and my mind goes somewhere else entirely, and Captain America...really? The guy is called Captain America, for R'hllor's sake. 

I'll just stick with Tin Tin. smile 

-- Edited by Macha on Friday 7th of September 2012 05:51:17 PM


"Fuck you, Andy Pandy. I AM the loop."

Children Of The Forest VP
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Apologies as this I offer is no Summer Movie either...but " Kill Bill versions I and II were awesome.
Re-watched last night ( #2 ) and fell in love again ( RIP David Carradine ).

I have always secretly wanted to be a Samurai when I was younger. Loved the honour creed and the brilliance
with sword. I studied Japanese a bit , took Tea Ceremony classes ( there's a couple of ancient $$$$ Tea
Houses here in SanFrancisco ) and daydreamed as a samurai / ninja ready to take on any assignment.

Anyways, you guys should watch these if you haven't. Macha and other ladies of the realm this is a
shout for y'all to learn the sword play in this film.


" None is so blind as those who will not see  "

Lord Bannerman Of The Smileys
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I'm surprised Aegon isn't complaining over the thread title "Summer movie season", seeing as he's in Winter.


"There's no cure for being a cunt."  Bronn
"King Stannis is my god."  Davos
"Who the fuck is Jon Snow?"  Locke

Goddess of Tits and Wine
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Er Get over your selves ! I've read all the Twilight books and watched all the movies and I'm eagerly awaiting the finale and have them all on dvd ! So ner ner de ner ner ! Twihard fangirl Sqeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


  That is what I do . . I drink and I know things 


Children Of The Forest VP
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YvyB wrote:

Er Get over your selves ! I've read all the Twilight books and watched all the movies and I'm eagerly awaiting the finale and have them all on dvd ! So ner ner de ner ner ! Twihard fangirl Sqeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

 furious There you go again !! OKAY I will admit to being bamboozled into liking Edward , I read all the books are you

satisfied that I'm just as nuts confuse. But Pleeeeeease, not the movies bleh ! I must draw the line somewhere. I

will seek out my crazy aunt near Acorn Hill if you keep this up.


COTF VP and spokesperson


" None is so blind as those who will not see  "

Goddess of Tits and Wine
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Posts: 1856

Ha ha ha Have you WildSeed? You   :D


  That is what I do . . I drink and I know things 


Lord Bannerman Of The Smileys
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WildSeed wrote:
YvyB wrote:

Er Get over your selves ! I've read all the Twilight books and watched all the movies and I'm eagerly awaiting the finale and have them all on dvd ! So ner ner de ner ner ! Twihard fangirl Sqeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

 furious There you go again !! OKAY I will admit to being bamboozled into liking Edward , I read all the books are you

satisfied that I'm just as nuts confuse. But Pleeeeeease, not the movies bleh ! I must draw the line somewhere. I

will seek out my crazy aunt near Acorn Hill if you keep this up.


COTF VP and spokesperson

 I liked the Smurfs movie. Go ahead. Say something. 


"There's no cure for being a cunt."  Bronn
"King Stannis is my god."  Davos
"Who the fuck is Jon Snow?"  Locke

Goddess of Tits and Wine
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Posts: 1856
Aha ha aha ha aha haaaaaa ha ha ha ha aha ha ha ! Cary you too


  That is what I do . . I drink and I know things 


Children Of The Forest VP
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Oh my goodness, madness is a virus that appears to have spread from the Pacific to the Atlantic Oceans.
Luckily Macha and Aegon are far away and safe. Send a white raven with this warning " Winter is Coming".


" None is so blind as those who will not see  "

Braavosi Water Dancer
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Warning: If you like the hunger games, please skip this post. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but I need to get this off my chest.


Ok, I don't know if I should comment this here but i just happened to see yesterday "The Hunger Games". I had heard so many people raving about it I thought I'd give it a shot. OMG. What a mistake! bleh.gif

The story was so flawed and predictable (we were playing a game with Mr. Tir, name what's gonna happen in 10m and we always got it, that just goes to show you how utterly bored we were), the acting appalling (even that of the name actors involved), the special effects 5th rate, it was so syrupy I just had to get up and walk the room cause it was getting on my nerves too much(I hate cheap low punches), the "hero" character was not only the worst Mary Sue I've seen in a long time, she also was so terribly unnapealing, had prostetic humanity, oh... I so wanted to slap her all throughout the movie, Joffrey style. I could keep going on and on... But I'll spare you. Ok. Rant over. Sorry for being so blunt.

-- Edited by Tir Airgid on Saturday 8th of September 2012 07:25:28 AM


“Fear is a strange soil. It grows obedience like corn, which grow in straight lines to make weeding easier. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground.”

― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods.



Priestess of R'hllor
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No worries, Tir.
I liked the books well enough when they came out and thought it would do well on the big screen because they had this movie-feel, chapters ending in cliffhangers and so on.
The movie was...not so good, and I love most of the main cast. It started out pretty decently, but the Arena was horribly handled and captured nothing of the suspense in the books. The ending felt rushed and emotionless. I hope the second one will be slightly better handled, because while the original material wasn't extraordinary, it was pretty ok.


"Fuck you, Andy Pandy. I AM the loop."

Braavosi Water Dancer
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Macha wrote:

No worries, Tir.
I liked the books well enough when they came out and thought it would do well on the big screen because they had this movie-feel, chapters ending in cliffhangers and so on.
The movie was...not so good, and I love most of the main cast. It started out pretty decently, but the Arena was horribly handled and captured nothing of the suspense in the books. The ending felt rushed and emotionless. I hope the second one will be slightly better handled, because while the original material wasn't extraordinary, it was pretty ok.

 Question: Do the books show a lot of internal though process for the main character(s) á la Jon Snow?


“Fear is a strange soil. It grows obedience like corn, which grow in straight lines to make weeding easier. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground.”

― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods.



Priestess of R'hllor
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Posts: 3348
Oooh yeah. Katniss got a lot on my nerves, but overall I liked them. For a young-adult audience they're not that bad.


"Fuck you, Andy Pandy. I AM the loop."

High King and Conqueror of the Seven Kingdoms
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I loved Hunger Games! Thought the movie was spectacular! And I can't wait for the second one. Best thing is most people and critics agree with me.

Macha Black Widow translated very well to the big screen and I think they refer to Hawkeye as the Hawk ones, the rest of the time he's agent Clint Barton, and cap is usually called Captain Rogers. Be careful what you sat about him! He's been my fav superhero since I've been old enough to know what a superhero is. His personality, views and what he stands for are awesome. Plus the whole man out of time story works really well with Chris Evans.


AS private parts we are to the gods, they play with us for their sport. 

Children Of The Forest VP
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Cable TV is about to air it here. I'm looking forward to seeing what the fuss was about. From what I hear
the books are worth a look. All I know are the actors red carpet moments. Bleh


" None is so blind as those who will not see  "

Braavosi Water Dancer
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Aegon the Conqueror wrote:

I loved Hunger Games! Thought the movie was spectacular! And I can't wait for the second one. Best thing is most people and critics agree with me.

Oh, I'm used to finding myself in the minority-opinion side on many many subjects , but most of the time I can fathom what is it that attracts the rest of the people. But in this case, I am quite puzzled. So I'm interested to know... what is it that you liked about it? I mean, about the movie. I haven't read the books so I'm ready to concede they can be very good and the movie didn't do them justice, because most of the time is not about the story you're telling but how you tell it that matters (Shakespeare comes to mind ).

PS I didn't mean to upset anyone, that's why I put the warning at the start. I knew I felt very frustrated and ranty and that I wouldn't be able to express it in a more balanced manner at the time. So my apologies if I offended anybody.


“Fear is a strange soil. It grows obedience like corn, which grow in straight lines to make weeding easier. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground.”

― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods.



High King and Conqueror of the Seven Kingdoms
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I tried reading the book, but I hate the style of young adult novels in general and this one was no different in that regard. I have great respect for the story though.
Well I love post apocalyptic stories, gladiators, strong female heroines. I just don't like the Twilighty love triangle, but that aside it's my cup of tea. The moment I first read the synopsis I knew I wanted to see it. ANd boy was it fun watching a book movie in which I had no idea how it would end. Actually I'm watching it again as I'm writing this, just got it on DSTV on Demand.


AS private parts we are to the gods, they play with us for their sport. 

Goddess of Tits and Wine
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This is probably in the wrong place , but couldn't find the general watching thread... maybe I imagined it....
Anyhoo, just saw a fantastic adaptation of a book called the Scapegoat,Daphne du Maurier. Staring Matthew Rhys.It also had my favorite Moriarty Andrew Scott. Good stuff, Highly recommend.


  That is what I do . . I drink and I know things 


Lord Bannerman Of The Smileys
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Just saw the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. What an awesome movie. Also, we so need Daniel Craig to be cast as something. Just not sure who yet.


"There's no cure for being a cunt."  Bronn
"King Stannis is my god."  Davos
"Who the fuck is Jon Snow?"  Locke

Priestess of R'hllor
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Have you seen the original Danish version? Not a fan of either, but the I kinda liked the original better.
YvyB, I'll add that to my list, sounds good.


"Fuck you, Andy Pandy. I AM the loop."

Goddess of Tits and Wine
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Posts: 1856
I saw the Danish ... Did NOT like it ... had to leave the room at a certain scene.... then felt he didn't get enough come uppance!

It was on ITV here , so I'm not sure how you will view it .... they do have a on line player , but I don't know if that's assessable to you. Straight after they said it was available on DVD tho.


  That is what I do . . I drink and I know things 


Mistress Of The Coin
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Ugh, I hated that movie! But I only saw the American version. I didn't really see the point of the gratuitous sexual violence that had little-to-nothing to do with the murders. It was like two unrelated plots that they were trying to weave into a single movie. Maybe I need to read the books to see the connection. But I do agree with Cary that Daniel Craig would fit in nicely in the GoT cast.

Goddess of Tits and Wine
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I can't wait for The Hobbit!!! Just see another trailer... Oh yeah and the final twilight ...


  That is what I do . . I drink and I know things 


High King and Conqueror of the Seven Kingdoms
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Are you saying there's a second Hobbit trailer out?


AS private parts we are to the gods, they play with us for their sport. 

Goddess of Tits and Wine
Status: Offline
Posts: 1856
it's definitely longer than the one I saw...But you might of... twas on utube


  That is what I do . . I drink and I know things 


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I read the Twilight books (duck!) and found that I generally liked it. If it wasn't for Jackson Rathbone's presence in the films, I wouldn't really have bothered. The story is actually as thin as a Marie biscuit. But, I guess once you start reading George Martin, everything else blands in comparison. But, team Jasper!

I loved The Avengers and The Dark Night Rises, being NOT a comic fan.

I'm waiting for the Hobbit, yes, Breaking Dawn 2 (hold on to your ammunition ladies, they want to make MORE films after that apparently) and, actually, Silent Hill: Revelations, because Sean Bean and Kit Harington is going to be in it :)

I liked the Hunger Games books and thought some aspects of Panem, the reaping etc. were portrayed pretty damn well.




“You take a mortal man, put him in control. Watch him become a god, see heads roll."





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The Borne Legacy started rolling in South-Africa today, think I want to go watch it.




“You take a mortal man, put him in control. Watch him become a god, see heads roll."





Grand Maesterbator
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I want to see The Master so bad. It is only playing in select theaters. May have to travel into NYC to catch it.


"If you drink, don't drive.  Don't even putt."  - Dean Martin

Grand Maesterbator
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@Mags, is that the new one without Matt Damon? Not sure how I feel about that.


"If you drink, don't drive.  Don't even putt."  - Dean Martin

High King and Conqueror of the Seven Kingdoms
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Yes but it ties into the Jason Bourne's story.


AS private parts we are to the gods, they play with us for their sport. 

Goddess of Tits and Wine
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Posts: 1856
Ok winter movies ....

Hansel and Gretal : the witch hunters .... seen trailer, looks cool!

Hobit trailer .... Mahoosive one out now ... soooo excited ! Cary * raspberry*


  That is what I do . . I drink and I know things 


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Rygar, yeah, that's the one, although I loove Jeremy Renner, so I don't think I'll mind.




“You take a mortal man, put him in control. Watch him become a god, see heads roll."





Lady Of The Blue Winter Rose
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YvyB wrote:

I can't wait for The Hobbit!!! Just see another trailer... Oh yeah and the final twilight ...

 Just saw the new Twilight, Y (oh shan, here come the tomatoes!) and it was a bit different than the book. I liked how they did some flashbacks and used old music, especially Edward playing the piano, which is great in the book, but to see him play is like, melting! And I am all about the wolves, but the piano is just lovely. Hobbit next! Will they have Haldir (sp?) in it does anyone know? He's my fav elf, got killed off in Two Towers.


Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water.  Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.


High King and Conqueror of the Seven Kingdoms
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No as far as I know the Badass known as Haldir will not be making an appearance. They never visit Caras Caladhon, and since he is the guardian of Loth Lorien, it makes sense that he in't in Rivendell with Galadriel.


AS private parts we are to the gods, they play with us for their sport. 

Grand Maesterbator
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Posts: 3538
Haldir looked mucho Italiano.


"If you drink, don't drive.  Don't even putt."  - Dean Martin

Priestess of R'hllor
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But I want Haldir BACK.


"Fuck you, Andy Pandy. I AM the loop."

High King and Conqueror of the Seven Kingdoms
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Posts: 1399
And I want Aragorn and Gimli back!


AS private parts we are to the gods, they play with us for their sport. 

Braavosi Water Dancer
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Posts: 1815
Haldir looked so silly in the movie, made me laugh every time he was on screen with his constipated face...


“Fear is a strange soil. It grows obedience like corn, which grow in straight lines to make weeding easier. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground.”

― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods.



Priestess of R'hllor
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Posts: 3348

Constipated? He looked stoned to me. Then again, so did the other elves.


"Fuck you, Andy Pandy. I AM the loop."

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