Flea Bottom Forum → ASOIAF Released Books → What Sparked Your Interest in Reading A Song of Ice and Fire series ? Rank the books! ( Mark Spoilers Please )
Topic: What Sparked Your Interest in Reading A Song of Ice and Fire series ? Rank the books! ( Mark Spoilers Please )
Saw the making of GOT on HBO before Season 1 and thought I'd give it a try. Saw the first episode and OMG
this guy pushed a kid out the window
! So I ran out the next day and read the first book before the end of that week. Read the whole series except ADWD before the end of Season 1 on HBO, so I knew the outcome of Season 1 but still hoped for another outcome. Stood outside the local Barnes & Noble for the midnight opening to get ADWD the day it came out in the US and finished that in a week. Wandered onto WIC.net on accident really and then here to you wonderful fans. Thanks, Omar, you rock.
-- Edited by Lyanna Stark on Wednesday 29th of August 2012 12:24:03 AM
Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water. Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.
I was still re-reading the latest issue of The Sookie Stackhouse novels and contemplating Faery and Vampire politics. My head was swollen with angst until I checked into the SVB that day for the latest bitchin' and moaning. I was incredibly lucky to buy a boxed set of 4 for $ 15 on Amazon which seemed like a mistake but maybe it was just a compromise of " Iron Price + Gold Price " compromise.
I began reading like a vegetarian suddenly put on a meat diet and barely came up for air. had to quit taking notes and morphed into one the " Children of the Forest ". Apparently I am eligible because I'm 4'10". Anyway, I'm about to re-read as some of you may be doing but decided early on to take no sides in the war or judge the characters too harshly. I enjoyed every book. Be careful with your responses because many house banners are flown here. Oh, and the Targaryeon king lurks somewhere near by :D
A woman came to the books after seeing the first season on HBO of GoT and Jaqen read them all first. By the following fall I had them on ipad/iphone and am on my 3rd read-through, just reaching the tragic part of ASOS again. Sigh. The writing is so good, and I seem to remember more after repeated readings. Still, some things will jump out at you each time that didn't stick previous times.
I was a TV viewer first. HBO was doing some heavy campaigning for the show here, I think it coincided with their HBO GO launch, and my friend (alina_in_wonderland) - being a huge Sean Bean fan - alerted me to the show. I enjoyed fantasy but I was never a die-hard fan of the genre. I thought of giving the show a chance based on the casting alone, it reminded me of the BBC - HBO collaboration for Rome, and for me Rome remains one of the best things I have ever seen on TV. After the first episode I was hooked. The books were published here shortly after that, and the rest is history. I must have read them in a week, couldn't put them down.
I've often re-read passages or entire chapters, but after S2 ended I decided to do a proper series re-read.
If I were to rank them, for me it would be:
1. ASoS
2 & 3. (tied) AFfC & ADwD (I like the slow pace, ok?! )
Oh, Wildseed I love your description: "I began reading like a vegetarian suddenly put on a meat diet and barely came up for air."
Mr Tir had heard of the show in the radio, Sean Bean's presence made me say an instant yes, we gave it a chance and were hooked by the time Jamie pushed Bran off the window I was absolutely hooked. As soon as the show finished, run to buy all the Asoiaf books available at the time. Was so eager to know what happened I skipped the first one until I was done with them all. Then waited tapping my fingers with anxiety until ADWD was released, and got it as a pre-Xmas present from Mr. Tir.
I can't begin to imagine what it must have been like for all those who discovered the series years ago and had their patience tested by the Old Gods and the new. Thank God that the show alleviates my hunger while waiting for the next instalment. Haven't re-read them yet, but will certainly do so as soon as I hear that WoW is about to come out, just to be fresh on the characters and storylines.
My ranking would be:
3. GOT
-- Edited by Tir Airgid on Wednesday 29th of August 2012 11:22:23 AM
“Fear is a strange soil. It grows obedience like corn, which grow in straight lines to make weeding easier. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground.”
When HBO premieres a series I always start to watch but I was about to give up with Game of Thrones because I was irritated by the amount of advertising. And I watched maybe 2 o 3 episodes until that scene where LF says to Ned: "I told you not to trust me"... then I went all foul-mouthed and ran to my computer to look for information because I had no idea who the writer was (not edited here at that time). The only fantasy I had read was The Lord of the rings (because my godchild is a pretty convincing and stubborn little girl). It turned out that books were expensive here so I cheated.
A couple of months after I finished reading AFFC, ADWD appeared and yes I bought this one via Amazon (grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr).
I don´t know how my ranking is but the book I like the most is ASOS. About the only one I bought:
-- Edited by andrea on Wednesday 29th of August 2012 12:21:20 PM
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
Never heard of Game Of Thrones, watched the first episode by a friends suggestion and was hooked. After season 1 I wanted to wait patiently to watch season 2, I only held out for a week until I started reading the first page of book 2.
4000 pages later here I am! Hosting a damn ASOIF forum! Lol
I would rank the books:
1. A Storm Of Swords ( one of the best fantasy novels I have EVER read ) 2. GOT, ACoK 3. ADwD 4. AFfC ( strange pacing, too many new characters and omitting fan favorites...really GRRM?)
"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN
I read the books first, starting in 2002. Didn't watch Season 1 because I gave up HBO. Started watching it when it came out on Netflix and caught up to Season 2.
While I enjoyed the books, I never was a purist, and can easily deal with the changes for television. Some of them are actually better.
"There's no cure for being a cunt." Bronn "King Stannis is my god." Davos "Who the fuck is Jon Snow?" Locke
A couple of months after I finished reading AFFC, ADWD appeared and yes I bought this one via Amazon (grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr).
I don´t know how my ranking is but the book I like the most was ASOS. About the only one I bought:
No sabes si ya salieron en Argentina (en castellano)? Mi hermana todavia no pudo conseguir ninguno de los dos, y ella no lee inglés.
“Fear is a strange soil. It grows obedience like corn, which grow in straight lines to make weeding easier. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground.”
No sabes si ya salieron en Argentina (en castellano)? Mi hermana todavia no pudo conseguir ninguno de los dos, y ella no lee inglés.
sí, hay librerías en Rosario que los tienen así que tienen que estar en Buenos Aires también. El año pasado sólo había algunos en Mercado Libre y estaban carísimos. La traducción es la española, obviamente. Si no podés decirle que se fije en sitios web de librerías españolas, ahí también los puede comprar.
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
I heard about the comissioning from the pilot online, got myself a hold of the first e-book and started reading them one by one. I read incredibly slowly at that stage as I was busy with final year of school and then first year of studying. So many things to do and see. The series then got me really interested and started reading faster. Caught up with ADWD about the same time that it came out. ONly then did we start to have the books on sale here. Bought ADWD here and ordered the boxset via amazon.
AS private parts we are to the gods, they play with us for their sport.
andrea wrote: sí, hay librerías en Rosario que los tienen así que tienen que estar en Buenos Aires también. El año pasado sólo había algunos en Mercado Libre y estaban carísimos. La traducción es la española, obviamente. Si no podés decirle que se fije en sitios web de librerías españolas, ahí también los puede comprar.
En la única que ella conoce le dijeron que AFFC estaba trabado en la aduana y el otro no lo estaban importando, pero lo iba a publicar una editorial argentina. Pero eso fue hace unos meses, capaz que ya lo tienen. Le digo que se fije de vuelta. Miró comprarlos desde España, pero le salía un ojo de la cara.
“Fear is a strange soil. It grows obedience like corn, which grow in straight lines to make weeding easier. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground.”
En la única que ella conoce le dijeron que AFFC estaba trabado en la aduana y el otro no lo estaban importando, pero lo iba a publicar una editorial argentina. Pero eso fue hace unos meses, capaz que ya lo tienen. Le digo que se fije de vuelta. Miró comprarlos desde España, pero le salía un ojo de la cara.
Un ojo de la cara exactamente y además la traducción española es fea para mí. Es probable que haya un tema con las importaciones con los libros pues hay tema con la importación en general. Ojalà la traducción sea también nuestra. Te averiguo frente a mi universidad que es donde los ví y te aviso.
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
Un ojo de la cara exactamente y además la traducción española es fea para mí. Es probable que haya un tema con las importaciones con los libros pues hay tema con la importación en general. Ojalà la traducción sea también nuestra. Te averiguo frente a mi universidad que es donde los ví y te aviso.
Dale, mi hna viaja seguido a Rosario asi q capaz se puede dar una vuelta. Gracias!
De paso, es cierto q en la versión en castellano no se hace distinción entre cuervos (crows) y grajos (raven)?
“Fear is a strange soil. It grows obedience like corn, which grow in straight lines to make weeding easier. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground.”
I'd heard a lot of stuff about the show when it was first coming out, and at some point during Summer I was bored and noticed it was on, so I tuned in. It was episode five, if I remember correctly, and it was awesome. I watched episode six when it aired again, and then went to watch episodes 1-4 through somewhat questionable means before resuming my viewing of the rest of the season on HBO as it re-aired. After that, I ordered the box set of books 1-4 and that was that.
Tir Airgid wrote: Dale, mi hna viaja seguido a Rosario asi q capaz se puede dar una vuelta. Gracias!
De paso, es cierto q en la versión en castellano no se hace distinción entre cuervos (crows) y grajos (raven)?
ummm no recuerdo, creo que no. Lo único de la traducción en castellano que me gusta es uno de los sobrenombres de Arya: Arya entrelospies suena mucho mejor que la versión en inglés.
Tir, yo estudio en Humanidades que está en Entre Ríos entre Córdoba y Santa Fe y la librería que te digo está enfrente (diagonal), hay varias en esa cuadra pero la que te digo es una grande. Yo me fijo de todas maneras.
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
While I enjoyed the books, I never was a purist, and can easily deal with the changes for television. Some of them are actually better.
Agreed, don't let the folks at Westeros hear you, they will flog you through the streets. ;-P
Me too, Ser Cary. I have not been on Westeros.org (gasp!). I take it they are book purists?
Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water. Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.
Never heard of the books , missed first episode of season one , couldn't find catch up anywhere! So waited a full year (while my good friend at work would tell me what was happening! I gave in and watched the series finale.) Watched series one one repeat just before series two , read loads of stuff online , started chatting on message boards...Was really dubious about such a big read (as I'm a read until it's done kinda gal!) But couldn't stand it any longer and in June gave in... was finished 6 weeks later :) It was great reading it will all the theories and speculations already in mind, tho' some people would not like that. I like re watching a movie when you know what you know ... so it was a bit like that! Still a lot of surprises and shocks along the way tho' as I didn't know everything :)
I'd heard a lot of stuff about the show when it was first coming out, and at some point during Summer I was bored and noticed it was on, so I tuned in. It was episode five, if I remember correctly, and it was awesome. I watched episode six when it aired again, and then went to watch episodes 1-4 through somewhat questionable means before resuming my viewing of the rest of the season on HBO as it re-aired. After that, I ordered the box set of books 1-4 and that was that.
You became a true believer ( or brain damaged ) like the rest of us....
Never heard of the books , missed first episode of season one , couldn't find catch up anywhere! So waited a full year (while my good friend at work would tell me what was happening! I gave in and watched the series finale.) Watched series one one repeat just before series two , read loads of stuff online , started chatting on message boards...Was really dubious about such a big read (as I'm a read until it's done kinda gal!) But couldn't stand it any longer and in June gave in... was finished 6 weeks later :) It was great reading it will all the theories and speculations already in mind, tho' some people would not like that. I like re watching a movie when you know what you know ... so it was a bit like that! Still a lot of surprises and shocks along the way tho' as I didn't know everything :)
WOW. You were hooked, lined and sank to becoming a fan. Proud of ya my lady
@Lyanna, not all of them, but many of the moderators are. It made for a very hostile forum when episodes veered off book.
I joined but never posted. Too intimidated by the agressive responses and name calling. One thread was
x-rated with a string of comments for a novice whom asked a " dumb" question. Lucky for me it wasn't
me who posted. I did pick up a thing or 2 from the " Still Reading " section, and their Wiki link. Once you
get past the the pretensious stuff , the remaining features of the site may prove useful. But the forum,
Not for the meek, not for me.
I'm conflict averse, so not for me either. I have no problems sharing my opinion, and telling you what I think of yours, but I endeavor to do it in a kind, loving way.
"There's no cure for being a cunt." Bronn "King Stannis is my god." Davos "Who the fuck is Jon Snow?" Locke
I think it's neat how the tv show was the "gateway drug" for many of us. Tho in many circles we are looked down upon by others that read the books "before it was cool".
"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN
Hey before it was cool, it was already cool! Can you believe Chuck dissed NEd for giving his kids the direwolves?
Maybe having a deaceased person's moment here but, Chuck? Do you mean Robert, the King? What did I miss?
Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water. Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.
Chuck you know the spy who flashes, Nerd Herd and all that. One episode he was reading AGOT at the breakfast table and loudly proclaimed, "No Ned you don't give your kids direwolves, that's just not smart."
AS private parts we are to the gods, they play with us for their sport.
Was asked by a friend without HBO to tape them, but not until Season 1 had already started, so the first episode I saw was 5. Tyrion's trial and the unspeakable greatness of Peter Dinklage had me hooked. I ordered all five books, read in a white fury and finished AFfC the day before my copy of ADWD arrived.
Then I read them all again, slowly. I've been postponing the third read for after the first of the year, so that I finish them just as Season 3 starts.
Weird thing is that the end of Episode 1 so traumatized my friend (who has not read the books) that she never watched another episode.
Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.
ASOIAF is not for the faint of heart, nor fairy tale sequence of events. After reading about Cate and Robb, I closed the book suddenly and only returned when I believed I was ready to proceed. Rarely does a story grip you so, not quite like this. I had to declare conscious decision to proceed, it's a commitment of sorts, sort of like Neo swallowing that pill that Morpheous gave him.
I read the Harry Potter Series with fascination but that was just cotton candy compared to ASOIAF.
What's your House Banner Yellow Dog ? Don't worry, many of of here admire several or a mix of House Mottos.
I have loved reading fantasy since Jr High. Tolkien, Jordan, Brooks, Dragonlance, etc. I took a backpacking trip to the UK in 2000 with a girlfriend. I needed a book to read on the plane. I was recommend AGoT from a clerk at a Borders book store. I found the prologue to be gripping, but then the next few chapters to be a bore. I almost stopped right there. But I carried on (long ass flight) and read the Winterfell feast scene. The introduction of Tyrion and his touching dialogue with Jon outside the Great Hall of Winterfell sold me. I knew then that this was a book series with much more to offer than any other fantasy writer I had read up to that point.
"If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt." - Dean Martin
I've often re-read passages or entire chapters, but after S2 ended I decided to do a proper series re-read.
If I were to rank them, for me it would be:
1. ASoS
2 & 3. (tied) AFfC & ADwD (I like the slow pace, ok?! )
4. ACoK
5. AGoT
Wrong. I've just finished ADwD. I liked it better on my first read. It pales in comparison to AFfC, not to mention the rest. I must have been overly excited the first time. It's not about the action (I still love all the new info we get on the background of the characters), but the writing in itself is weaker.
new ranking:
1. ASoS
2. AFfC
3. ACoK
4. ADwD (for Theon's chapter)
5. AGoT (it's great, and it's the first that catches you but on a second re-read it felt so fast paced, and I just wasn't used to it anymore).
I was much the same. I started after the first chapter. I starting reading these because I just couldnt wait until the next season to know what happens next.
I'm going to say something akin to blasphemy....during my first read my favorite was definitely ASOS, however I am on my first re-read, and as such I've started reading AFFC and ADWD concurrently thanks to the guide Macha gave me, and I dunno maybe it's cause it's a new experience...but and please don't kill me, I'm enjoying it more than any of the others gasp *runs for cover.*
AS private parts we are to the gods, they play with us for their sport.
Aegon, come to mamma! I teach you all sorts of bad things apparently... Funny how that ranking changed for me after my re-read. I still find ASoS to be the best written, but when we're talking reading experience, AFfC is right up there. AFfC - for the characters, and ADwD for all the crazy stuff up North (the rest of it I find pretty weak tho).
I think it's neat how the tv show was the "gateway drug" for many of us. Tho in many circles we are looked down upon by others that read the books "before it was cool".
Absolutely ! even on the french official board, it was nearly a crime to have discovered books via the show .
As a lot of posters, i obviously discovered ASOIAF with the HBO show. Why? because i'm a sucker for their series but not for fantasy lit, as Andrea i only read LOTR, wich i deeply loved and some Gaiman's novels for work.
And i was kind of defiant towards the original material (thought it was like a True Blood kind of stuff), it's because i've been hooked til i became obsessed with this world that i decided to buy the books (and poor innocent that i was i thought the serie was finished when i bought the first volume). When, on the backcover, i saw that Martin was a TV writer and producer, i remenber having thougt "oh shit it must be crap but i want to find out what happens after Ned's death".
Surprisingly, it wasn't, it was huge storytelling and a very pleaseant read (could only read and reread ASOIAF during several months).
Je voudrais un croissant et une chaussette mignonne...
I just read this and realized I have never tried to put all books in a favorite order! Thinking about it I think I'd go with: 1. ASoS 2. AFfC/ADwD (cannot decide maybe ADwD better but only by a small margin) 3. AGoT 4. ACoK
-- Edited by TormundsWoman on Saturday 8th of February 2014 10:49:45 AM
Got hold on box set for season 1. Watched it. Found a paper synopsing all five books. Spoiled all the story online.
Read all five books. Then read them again. Happy times.
Just bumping it for new people. Maybe they want to post, or just read it.
I recall someone busting my nuts in CHAT about how I ranked the books. Something about me having rated AFFC better than ADWD or something and then having an lol about it.
Who's laughing now, necromancer?
As soon as those cameras are off I am going to fuck that little dog.
Having a hard time finding the right thread for this. Maybe this is the anti-thread post. But, if I had known that the author had written the following passage, I never would have read the first book. I give you ... Portraits of His Children.
***trigger warnings and FBI watchlist material galore ***
He woke suddenly, in darkness, to the light touch of skin against his foot.
Cissy was perched on top of the footboard, a red satin sheet wrapped around her, a long slim leg exploring under his blankets. She was playing footsie with him, and smiling mischievously. "Hi, Daddy," she said.
Cantling had been afraid of this. It had been in his mind all evening. Sleep had not come easily. He pulled his foot away and struggled to a sitting position.
Cissy pouted. "Don't you want to play?" she asked.
"I," he said, "I don't believe this. This can't be real."
"It can still be fun," she said.
"What the hell is Michelle doing to me? How can this be happening?"
She shrugged. The sheet slipped a little; one perfect red-tipped eighteen-year-old breast peeked out.
"You still have eighteen-year-old tits," Cantling said numbly. "You'll always have eighteen-year-old tits."
Cissy laughed. "Sure. You can borrow them, if you like, Daddy. I'll bet you can think of something interesting to do with them."
"Stop calling me Daddy," Cantling said.
"Oh, but you are my Daddy," Cissy said in her little-girl voice.
"Stop that!" Cantling said.
"Why? You want to, Daddy, you want to play with your little girl, don't you?" She winked. "Vice is nice but incest is best. The families that play together stay together." She looked around. "I like four-posters. You want to tie me up, Daddy? I'd like that."
Cissy reached through the folds of his robe, shoved her hand inside his briefs, squeezed him gently. "Liar," she said. "You want me. You've always wanted me. I'll bet you used to stop and jack off when you were writing the sex scenes."
"No," Cantling said. "Never."
"Never?" She pouted. Her hand moved up and down. "Well, I bet you wanted to. I bet you got hard anyway. I bet you got hard every time you described me."
"I," he said. The denial would not come. "Cissy, please."
"Please," she murmured. Her hand was busy. "Yes, please." She tugged at his briefs and they fluttered to the floor. "Please," she said. She untied his robe and helped him out of it. "Please." Her hand moved along his side, played with his nipples; she stepped closer, and her breasts pressed lightly against his chest. "Please," she said, and she looked up at him. Her tongue moved between her lips.
Richard Cantling groaned and took her in his trembling arms.
She was like no woman he had ever had. Her touch was fire and satin, electric, and her secret places were sweet as honey.
As soon as those cameras are off I am going to fuck that little dog.