Brilliant ! You've finished " The Hedge Knight " and about to start " The Sworn Sword ". I'm about to begin the third book " The Mystery Knight ". For anyone unfamiliar, The Tales of Dunk and Egg actually takes place approximately 100 years before GRRM began " A Game of Thrones " but covers many historical aspects and same families and Houses. For instance the Targaryeons and House Baratheon among others are mentioned, some defunct Houses referenced as well. These Tales are great to begin at any time or between books. They are an excellent read but not essential to the continuing ASOIAF. Discuss Here as well. As ser Donal Noye mentioned ,these are Novellas and may be purchased via or second hand, usually in Anthology of mixed novellas. They may be found in " Dreamsongs 2 ", " Legends II " and " Warriors I "
I was so impressed with the 1st tale that I felt it was a terrible secret to not promote these books. I learned so much by reading and devoured every page. The Tale began with Duncan whom becomes acquainted with Egg, they become fast friends and their journey through tourneys and hedges. I gained better insight about the class system and life of a Hedge Knight.
Well he was the "unlikely king " and hoped his brother Aemon would be instead of him. I 'm rather soft on him as i recall him being a boy . He's like my shy baby brother. You're just jealous because he wasn't as ruthless as yourself ,Aegon the Conqueror . Few would compare to that . People say what they will about Ned and Robert but I think they would have ruled well. Why not keep enemies like Tywin close and on the Small Council ? Well, it looks good on paper anyway :D
-- Edited by WildSeed on Monday 3rd of September 2012 05:11:26 PM
That was a guilty pleasure for me. I am such an admirer of Aegon V's uncle ( B.....r). Wish the other did not succeed him as king but in the end he did do well by allowing Egg's journey.
Well if you look what happened to his children because of his descisions, then you'll see why I consider him a failure. Ned would have made a fantastic king, reluctant, but honourable, he would've removed the Lannisters from the game completely as well as Varys, Littlefinger. Which means the power would have rested with Houses Stark, Tully and Baratheon, not a bad combination at the least, especially if you consider Robert would be Ned's High Commander, something he would've done much better than king.
AS private parts we are to the gods, they play with us for their sport.
When he entered the game the players were already set. How well would Ned have done without the Lannisters, LF, Varys etc to mess things up for him. He would've destroyed the game from the start.
AS private parts we are to the gods, they play with us for their sport.
Well if you look what happened to his children because of his descisions, then you'll see why I consider him a failure. Ned would have made a fantastic king, reluctant, but honourable, he would've removed the Lannisters from the game completely as well as Varys, Littlefinger. Which means the power would have rested with Houses Stark, Tully and Baratheon, not a bad combination at the least, especially if you consider Robert would be Ned's High Commander, something he would've done much better than king.
I'm still not caught up with Eggs's marriage and offspring. Other than that I am in mostly in agreement.
Apparently Tywin Lannister's forces and influence was easier to remove than I thought. Just meet me at the privy.
Basically the little we know is this, Egg married for love, allowed his children to do the same which split the realm and tumbled it into years of civil war!
AS private parts we are to the gods, they play with us for their sport.
When he entered the game the players were already set. How well would Ned have done without the Lannisters, LF, Varys etc to mess things up for him. He would've destroyed the game from the start.
I know Aegon can't reply but I think this is utter Bullshit. Ned would have been a terrible king. Not only that, he never would have wanted to be one. He would jump ship the moment he could and let others more suitable rule. He would have sided with his family over the realm any day of the week. That is a terrible person you would want ruling. No one would follow a person who clearly doesn't wish to be in control.
"If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt." - Dean Martin
I think he might've been an honorable king, probably well loved by the smallfolk. But I think his rigid honor would've made many enemies in the other houses and it would've killed him in the end regardless, he would've been poisoned or assassinated.
Poor Ned, he even dies in hypothetical situations.
"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN
When he entered the game the players were already set. How well would Ned have done without the Lannisters, LF, Varys etc to mess things up for him. He would've destroyed the game from the start.
I know Aegon can't reply but I think this is utter Bullshit. Ned would have been a terrible king. Not only that, he never would have wanted to be one. He would jump ship the moment he could and let others more suitable rule. He would have sided with his family over the realm any day of the week. That is a terrible person you would want ruling. No one would follow a person who clearly doesn't wish to be in control.
If you knew how many times I said those exact word Ry... Ned is not a man you want ruling. Had no drive for it. You have to want it to stay there.
What's ironic is that his vassals all would die for him and would fight for him on His command. Probably due to him being so honorable and just. But these aren't ehy he was Lord of Winterfell. He wasn't giving the title based on ruler ship and governance.
"If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt." - Dean Martin