Hey I forgot to mention Sci Fi__Science Fiction______________________
Kill Bill 1 & 2 with David Caradine with Uma Thurman reminded me of my dream to be a samurai warrior-ess. Great swordplay and masterful acting. RIP David.
Might set up residence in this thread, I could just comment on Foreign and Classics ad infinitum.
There's just something abut Tarantino's work that never clicked with me, not even Pulp Fiction. Not saying he's not a good director, not at all, there's just something about his style that tires me.
I'll start with my favourite Ladies type of classic. It has to be something with Bette Davis, I adore her. I'll go for "Now, voyager". Mr. Macha still lights my cigarettes a la Paul Heinreid.
LMAO. I like your style . I'm envisioning Igmar Berman smoking a cigarette and wearing a man's hat, waiting for a suave male to render a lighter to her smoke. Noir Classics "D
I am a Joan Crawford, Lana Turner, Bette Davis fan. Let's see , hmm....I've got to check on a few names for titles and check back in.
To Add : Movies __Mildred Pierce , both vintage movie starring Crawford and cable production starring Cate Winslet.
Superb acting, book and screen reproductions. Engrossing and sad. Have you questioning why
as a parent you do the things you do. It's all about a healthy dose of love and discipline for
balance but some are just born to be cruel. I don't have children but this movie had me
mad, sad and yelling at the TV
Immitation of Life, starring Lana Turner. Quite a controversial film at the time. Speaks to
many of African or mixed ancsetry with respect to self value and organised predjudices.
West Side Story, stage and screen. Rita Moreno and many other now classic names. Foxy, fine
fantastic Rita and incredible choreography. Another ground breaking film on racial issues
Was Bette Davis in " Hush ,hush sweet Charlotte " ? this lady frightened me and the movies are decades ago.
-- Edited by WildSeed on Saturday 8th of September 2012 06:43:59 PM
Wildseed, surely you meant "Ingrid Bergman"? Not a fan of hers, though. My ladies are Bette Davis, Marlene Dietrich, Jean Moreau and Claudette Colbert. Post 60s era adds Irenne Papas and Romy Schneider. My men would be: Gary Cooper, Gregory Peck (sometimes), Leslie Howard (I adore him! Have you seen Pygmalion?), Charles Boyer and (more recent) Yves Montand and Peter O'Toole. Which reminds me I haven't seen The Lion in Winter...this year. Heh, probably my all time favourite movie.
Yes, Ingrid Bergman. I agree that her range wasn't much. I just liked the way she talked and interacted with
leading actors. I'm probably remembering Lauren Bacall more I think. She and Humphrey Bogart were class
acts on and off the screen. Not my era, several decades away but I grew with old classics. Nothing new in the
Caribbean Gregory Peck, Maurice Chevalier, Yves Montand , Peter O'Toole ,to name a couple. All amazing
-- Edited by WildSeed on Saturday 8th of September 2012 06:50:24 PM
Wildseed, surely you meant "Ingrid Bergman"? Not a fan of hers, though. My ladies are Bette Davis, Marlene Dietrich, Jean Moreau and Claudette Colbert. Post 60s era adds Irenne Papas and Romy Schneider. My men would be: Gary Cooper, Gregory Peck (sometimes), Leslie Howard (I adore him! Have you seen Pygmalion?), Charles Boyer and (more recent) Yves Montand and Peter O'Toole. Which reminds me I haven't seen The Lion in Winter...this year. Heh, probably my all time favourite movie.
" Star Wars " with Mark Hamilton, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher. Fx was still improving but these 3 films made me believe in the " force " The night sky never looked closer or believable as it did then..
I know vintage " Star Trek " with William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy fans have had great to mediocre movies but the Tv series remain untouchable. Aside from Admirable Kirk, Spock and Worf on the Starship Enterprise, " Deep Space Nine " with Avery Brooks, Alexander Sidigg & Colm Meaney get my high mark. I did enjoy Capt Pickard on ST, and another ST version called " Voyager" as well.
Not a movie but honourable mention " the Twilight Zone " , the original
" The Fifth Element " with Bruce Willis and Chris_____? Incredible rush.
Kill Bill 1 & 2 where I learned about the " five fingered exploding heart technique " from Uma Thurman.
All Matthew Broderick films in his younger days ( Neil Simon especially ) the best for me were : " Ferris Buehler's Day Off "/ " Glory " / " Master Harold and the Boys " / by So African playwright Athol Fugard , one of my favourite authors.
Client Eastwood and " Spaghetti Westerns " ( producer Sergio Leone ) with Lee van Cleef & great actors whose names I forget. " A Fistful of Dollars " & " The Good The Bad and the Ugly " were 2 favorites. The closest to my heart is still " the Bridges of Madison County " with Meryl Streep.
Meryl Streep is indeed a chameleon and grand in all her roles but " Sophies Choice " chokes me up every time.
In his early days Gerard Depardiu as thoroughly engrossing to me , I've all of his early work. " The Return of Martin
Guierre " was one of my favourites.
The list may go on but I know you guys have your own :D
-- Edited by WildSeed on Sunday 9th of September 2012 02:13:28 AM
Yes, yes and YES to your Clint Eastwood, Meryl Streep and Gerard Depardieu choices. Same here. Speaking of Clint Eastwood's movies, Unforgiven comes close second.
The closest to my heart is still " the Bridges of Madison County " with Meryl Streep.
In his early days Gerard Depardiu as thoroughly engrossing to me , I've all of his early work. " The Return of Martin
Guierre " was one of my favourites.
I'm a big fan of both choices... I don't know if you'd consider Cyranno part of Depardieu's earlier work, but I love it too. I was very young when I saw it (plus it's got tons of flashy swordfighting ), so maybe my memory is a bit rose tinted, but I remember being completely blown away.... Cried myself a river at the end.
“Fear is a strange soil. It grows obedience like corn, which grow in straight lines to make weeding easier. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground.”
“Fear is a strange soil. It grows obedience like corn, which grow in straight lines to make weeding easier. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground.”
Kindred souls we are. Cyrano de Bejerac ( awful spelling mistake ) is priceless. Did you see me dueling in the wings ? Syrio and Arya would be proud :D
For Aegon so loved Star Wars that he used his only pocket money, so that he could buy all 6 dvds, so that he did not have to rent them anymore, but watch them blisfully forever! Have all six plus special features plus the complete CLone Wars collection from 2003 and 2008-. I also love the old Carry On films very much, Sid James is a comic genius with a brilliant laugh.
AS private parts we are to the gods, they play with us for their sport.
"All about Eve" (one more Bette Davis fan here) I think Mankiewicks was the director.
"It´s a wonderful life" by Frank Capra (James Stewart. I don´t remember the actress)
And one of my favourites of all time: "The third man" by Carol Reed, with Orson Welles and Josheph Cotten.
Ball of fire... didn´t watched that. How come?
-- Edited by andrea on Monday 10th of September 2012 01:11:06 PM
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
I had to watch Ball of Fire, it was on my Gary Cooper list.
'All about Eve' has to be one of my all time favourites, but I haven't watched The Third Man yet. Speaking of Orson Welles, have you seen Bondarchuk's Waterloo? Stellar acting all around.
Oh Macha if you only knew what Russian names causes me. They´re my downfall, don´t tempt me. No, I don´t know Bondarchuk. Must check. I´ll lose myself though.
The third man is one of the best movies I´ve ever seen (or studied). You should watch it. Everybody should.
How come I never saw this movie? HOW COME? Is Rod Steiger playing Napoleon??? I love that man.
"On the waterfront". Another classic I truly love. Marlon Brando and Rod Steiger. Just kill me.
-- Edited by andrea on Monday 10th of September 2012 01:50:27 PM
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
andrea wrote:The third man is one of the best movies I´ve ever seen (or studied). You should watch it. Everybody should.
This. Absolute masterpiece. The way he plays with shadows... Oh, don't get me started. I love that film!!
do you mean this?
-- Edited by andrea on Wednesday 3rd of October 2012 05:32:53 PM
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
This thread will be mine mine mine mwaaahahahaha If we are talking about Film Noir = "Double Indemnity" is its synonym. A Billy Wilder´s gem. The woman: Barbara Stanwick (bad bad girl she was).
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
I had to watch Ball of Fire, it was on my Gary Cooper list.
'All about Eve' has to be one of my all time favourites, but I haven't watched The Third Man yet. Speaking of Orson Welles, have you seen Bondarchuk's Waterloo? Stellar acting all around.
andrea wrote:The third man is one of the best movies I´ve ever seen (or studied). You should watch it. Everybody should.
This. Absolute masterpiece. The way he plays with shadows... Oh, don't get me started. I love that film!!
“Fear is a strange soil. It grows obedience like corn, which grow in straight lines to make weeding easier. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground.”
I had to watch Ball of Fire, it was on my Gary Cooper list.
'All about Eve' has to be one of my all time favourites, but I haven't watched The Third Man yet. Speaking of Orson Welles, have you seen Bondarchuk's Waterloo? Stellar acting all around.
Oh Macha if you only knew what Russian names causes me. They´re my downfall, don´t tempt me. No, I don´t know Bondarchuk. Must check. I´ll lose myself though.
The third man is one of the best movies I´ve ever seen (or studied). You should watch it. Everybody should.
How come I never saw this movie? HOW COME? Is Rod Steiger playing Napoleon??? I love that man.
"On the waterfront". Another classic I truly love. Marlon Brando and Rod Steiger. Just kill me.
-- Edited by andrea on Monday 10th of September 2012 01:50:27 PM
Bonus points if you can name the composer for Dr Zhivago starring Omar Shariff and and Julie Christie
Bonus points if you can name the composer for Dr Zhivago starring Omar Shariff and and Julie Christie
I know this! oh, russian names: Rachmaninoff???
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
Just spent the afternoon watching Jane Eyre 2006, with Toby Stevens... AGAIN ! Last scene and proposal from Pride and Prejudice with Matthew Macfadyen,... and final scene from North and South with Richard Armatige ... think I need some romance !
Oh North and South about the American Civil War is one of the best series' I have ever seen! Patrick Swayze is incredible in it! Macha have you ever seen it?
AS private parts we are to the gods, they play with us for their sport.
Nooooooooooooo Not that one Aegon ! With Richard Armatige set in the cotton mills turn of the century!!! Ha ha ! You know the guy who is playing head dwarf in the Hobbit? Him.
Well he's School girl dreamy in North and South. The way he looks at the woman he loves at the end is how every woman would want to be looked at .... at least once in their lives ...
Oh Macha you must make a plan, it's about two friends who meet at Westpoint Military academy, one from the North and one from the South. They become best friends and they're families become quite close, however tensions rise as politically the USA is engulfed in chaos and the two friends soon realise that they will find themselves on opposite sides of the war. It is one of the best series' I have ever seen, the acting is fantastic as well as the special effects.
AS private parts we are to the gods, they play with us for their sport.
I can remember it years ago on the telly, I think my family watched it , but can't really remember it. Though funnily enough when people started telling me about the English one I thought the same as you Aegon ... what the thing about the American civil war? Ha ha ! Which is why I thought it funny when you made the same mistake ...
Ok, bit of a wild guess here but andrea, do you like Vittorio de Sica's films?
ok, I still have a couple of minutes.Ladri di biciclette!!! of course! I love italian neorealism. I love italian cinema, I´m a Fellini girl.
Wow, Mr Darcy. Saw that movie at the cinema and when that scene (Ivyb photo) came up every girl and woman in that theatre sighed. That shirt!!!
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
Just spent the afternoon watching Jane Eyre 2006, with Toby Stevens... AGAIN ! Last scene and proposal from Pride and Prejudice with Matthew Macfadyen,... and final scene from North and South with Richard Armatige ... think I need some romance !
Jayne Eyre with T. Stevens check!
Pride and Prejudice. (all of them) check!
North & South check, check, check.Love it! Brendan Coyle (Mr.BAtes) was fantastic!!!
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
Brendan Coyle was in that? Damn, damn, damn. Italian neorealism, see, I knew you'd be a fan. There are so many great ones to choose from, but I'm hopelessly in love with De Sica's "Umberto D." That ending!
Have you guys seen Larkrise to Candleford? Brenden's in that too.
I think I did but don´t remember Brendan Coyle.
Macha: Coyle played a unionized worker at Thorton´s (Armitage) cotton factory. I love industrial novel.
Umberto D: the last scene is when Umberto wants to commit suicide and the puppy (Fick?) saves him, no?
I´m a huge fan of "The Gospel according to St. Matthew" by Passolini. HUGE FAN. And of course, my all time favorite: 8 1/2. Ah, Marcello.
-- Edited by andrea on Tuesday 11th of September 2012 10:43:56 PM
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
Actually it was Maurice Jarre but he heavily borrowed from Pytor Tchaikovsky and and Rimsky Korsakov.
lol I suck! soundtracks are not my thing. Well, the name was russian, give me that.
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
Haa, Mr. Macha loves Passolini, I hate his films with a passion, we always argue over that. Passolini is right there with Antonioni. I know I should like them, but I don't. Passolini always felt so...stiff? to me. Feels like there is no warmth or passion in his films. Umberto D: well the puppy gets scared and runs away, and Umberto follows him and tries to regain Flick's (had to google the name) confidence. I loved that scene, and the acting. Cried like a baby.
Haa, Mr. Macha loves Passolini, I hate his films with a passion, we always argue over that. Passolini is right there with Antonioni. I know I should like them, but I don't. Passolini always felt so...stiff? to me. Feels like there is no warmth or passion in his films. Umberto D: well the puppy gets scared and runs away, and Umberto follows him and tries to regain Flick's (had to google the name) confidence. I loved that scene, and the acting. Cried like a baby.
Did you wachted "The Gospel..."? I think this movie is very different from the others (Theorem, for example. Oh, I hate it). His take on Christianity in this film is almost archaic, very real (documentary like), and the cinematography (camera and light) has a wonderful simplicity.
Yes, his other movies are quite difficult but you must keep in mind that he was gay (in a bad bad time), marxist and a christian. Too much for only one man.
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
Macha ,Re: Qwentyn Tarrrantino is not my favorite director either. His work received praises by many but they did not suit me. I have only seen bits and pieces of his earlier work ( Pulp Fiction )and did not take notice until Kill Bill 1 & 2( rented on dvd ). I was truly impressed with that pair.
I'm glad this Topic has proven useful. You guys have in common several fine film works that you appreciate.
" Janne Eyre" must be perfunctory reading worldwide. I'd seen the Orsen Wells version , but prefer William Hurt's version and Micheal Fassbender's recent version a bit more..
What do you guys think of Mark Strong ? What a voice and swagger to match. He was brilliant in several productions but " Rockinrolla " put him on the map for me.
I'm a big Tom Wilkinson fan ( also in Rockinrolla ) for so many varied roles , he's a chameleon and superb acting in cutting edge categories. I would imagine him as a major feudal lord in Westeros if not king.
Hey , who gave lady YvB permission to get a beautiful new avatar ??!!!! must E-X-T-E-R-M-I-N-A-T-E.
-- Edited by WildSeed on Thursday 13th of September 2012 09:16:59 PM