Dany exchanges gifts with a slave lord outside of Yunkai. As Sansa frets about her prospects, Shae chafes at Tyrion's new situation. Tywin counsels the king, and Melisandre reveals a secret to Gendry. Brienne faces a formidable foe in Harrenhal.
I didn’t love this episode. It felt like last week. A set up for a fantastic end of the season, but I would prefer if they made these mid-season episodes more interesting. I can't believe GRRM wrote this.
First what I liked: the effects were fantastic. The dragons were superb, and Blackwater Bay was incredible. They must have spent a fortune of the effects for this episode.
The Hound grabbing Arya was my favorite moment of the episode. There are so many fantastic things that could happen. I just don’t want either of them to die. I know it’s likely one of them won’t live through the encounter, but they would make a great pair. I hope we at least get one or two episodes of them interacting.
Brienne was so good in her scenes. Her interaction with Jaime was perfect. She is so strong, and when she says goodbye to Jaime, you can see he’s not ready to say goodbye. There’s so much unspoken between them. And then the scene with the bear is nicely done. The use of the Bear and the Maiden Fair song is funny. And I liked the use of Rains of Castamere when Jaime rescues her. I didn’t understand why Locke would release her so easily. It didn’t quite work for me.
The other scene I really liked was when Jaime got the Bolton men to turn around and go back for Brienne. I practically cheered. I’m getting to love Jaime more with every episode. I hope that doesn’t mean he’s about to die.
I liked the scene between Melisandre and Gendry pretty well. The revelations about her past were fascinating. And I’m glad Gendry finally knows the truth. Gendry is always so well-mannered and seems to follow any strong personality like a puppy dog. I hope he grows a spine at some point. Maybe his new-found knowledge will give him the strength to take control of his own destiny.
I love the acting from Theon. Poor guy. I’d miss him, but I wish they would just kill him.
Orell is good. He’s mean and petty, and I like it. And Tormund was funny giving Jon pointers on sex. Jon and Ygritte’s interaction would be interesting, but their acting just isn’t good. It makes their scenes a bit annoying. There’s such a question in my mind of whether their “love” is real or just a convenience for each to get the other’s cooperation. And I guess that’s the intent of the scenes is to create those questions.
The Tywin and Joffrey scene could have been so epic. I had such high hopes. The acting was superb, but it was just so badly written. I did like that Joffrey is taking interest in some of the larger issues, and I like that Tywin completely underestimates the dragons. I know this scene was Joffrey and Tywin feeling each other out and maybe setting up a larger confrontation down the road, but I was disappointed.
Poor Tyrion. He just can’t win, and he knows it. Shae is so stupid, I want to bang my head against the wall just watching her. Maybe Tywin will find out about her and have her killed.
What was happening in the Sansa and Margaery scene was interesting, but I didn’t much care for the scene. I absolutely love Margaery though. She’s trying to give Sansa the mature perspective she needs to have to make her predicament bearable. And she knows all too well how much unhappiness Loras would have caused Sansa. It seems like she’s legitimately trying to be a friend to Sansa. And poor Sansa just can’t see that being wed to Tyrion is one of the best possible outcomes for her. Her naïveté is cute.
Nobody will let Catelyn speak. Her opinion isn’t valued whatsoever, even though she seems to have a better feel for people than any of the Starks. Or most of the people in the show, for that matter. It’s interesting how she is consistently disregarded. Maybe because her actions have been so foolish. Nonetheless, her instincts for people are excellent.
Danaerys’ tough guy act was a change in personality for her. If she had golden hair, I could honestly have mistaken her for Cersei. It struck me as a flat out imitation, and it was amusing and not inappropriate. I liked it.
I think that’s all. I just hope the “setup” episodes are over, and we can get to something exciting.
I read the comments at WiC before seeing the episode, and...uhm. There was not once scene that I thought was bad in the whole episode. Actually this could end up being my second favorite this season. For realz. The writing was not great (the dialogue for Joffrey and Tywin was pretty bad) but WOW, Michelle MacLaren made this episode. I don't want to say much about GRRM, he did ok, especially since I never had high hopes for his writing anyway. I'm just glad they paired him with Maclaren, because she more than made up for the slow pace, IMO. The acting was great, and everything about the direction was pretty much close to perfection. Even Shae. "I will be nothing". Loved that moment. Even Jon and Ygritte. Their last scene was fantastic. I just can't get over how natural and solid this episode felt. Maybe it's just me, don't know, don't care. I loved this episode. LOVED IT. Definitely watching this baby again.
Mel and Gendry - Blackwater Bay looked pretty stunning. Ugh, the Baratheon theme playing over those last lines, all the love. Robb's camp - I just keep laughing everytime the Blackfish shows up. You're cracking me up, grumpy man. I want to pair him up with Stannis. Can we, can we? I liked his little exchange with Talisa too. Aaaaw baby Robb, staaahp it! You're too sweet. Tywin and Joffrey - the silence, and the footsteps, and the camera work, all were brilliant.
Dany - lady, you're mad. Smoke a cig and drink some cocoa, listen to Jorah (then jump him, or I will). Yunkai's proposition was probably the best deal you're likely to receive. Plus, they were polite, which you weren't. You get zero points. But the scene itself gets all the points, simply because it was so well done. The cinematography and VFX were splendid. It reminded me of Rome.
Arya - you getting creepy, girl. Luckily for you, No-Bullshit-Sandor is back to take care of business. Sansa and Margaery - not very good but I liked it, it was such a girlie chat. I get tired of those in other shows but here it helps lighten the mood a little bit. Bran and Co. - Kritian Nairn just nailed his best "Hodor?" yet. What else, what else? Oh Theon. R.I.P. little Theon. We knew you better than we wanted to. Somebody kill that horn-blowing son of a worm already. Jaime and Brienne's goodbye - gaaaaaaaaah NCW's face when she calls him "Ser Jaime". Impossible. And I'm still not over how they save each other in the bear pit. Fucking FINALLY. Wasn't expecting The Rains of Castamere at the end at all. Great choice.
As like last week, another "we don't need to cram the whole book in 1 season" episode. I liked it very much. No goosebump inducing moments though, oh wait yes Arya saying "Death".
So the moment they have passed the Wall the Wildlings get interesting again, Thormund is suddenly himself and Jon and Ygritte have some proper interaction. I don't mind their acting that much, probably because I'm surprised Kit has some other facial expressions in his repertoire than he had for the last 2 seasons.
I wasn't even annoyed by Robb and Talissa. I do find it hilarious that he needs to "plan" that war of him, moving those stupid pieces on a map like it takes a whole fucking evening. Go fuck the shit out of that lady you stupid Robb, jesus. I still don't trust Talissa btw.
I was annoyed with Locke, he was awesome this season but suddenly he whimped out in the end. They should have just killed him, make a riot out of it. Also, the show always seems to lack extras for some major scenes. This particular scene just needed a few guys, and what do they do? They empty all the Belfast pubs and put them in this scene. Lame.
Carice! I'm liking her more and more. The effects in that scene were awesome, the guy who is steering that ship deserves all the shipwreck-slalom awards in the world.
Dragons, seems they are growing per episode now. Me likey.
Theon losing his pecker. That knife made me cringe and curl up in a corner. I bet Gurm wrote that scene thinking they would actually show them cutting it off.
Joffrey Tywin, loved it. Is one of those things you wonder about: does Joffrey get any advice about ruling or he just sits around all day killing whores?
-- Edited by JapieQ on Monday 13th of May 2013 08:23:09 PM
An ok episode only. His favourite scene was Tywin and Joffrey cowering before him. He loves how Tywin's priority agenda was "sort out kingom, sort out Robb, sort out children, sort out Joff". Liked the irony of Joffrey being on the right about the dragons.
He thought the dragons looked good and Dany's scene was generally well filmed, but he is not a fan of Daenerys ever since season 2, and finds her scenes very repetitive. "i want this, if you dont give me i will kill you with fire and blood bla blah dead stare". His favourite part of this scene was when she didn't give out to Jorah about not knowing who this "powerful ppl" are, but actually spoke to him kindly. "welcome surprise".
He loved the shot of blackwater bay and liked the interchange between mel and gendry, and... he's beginning to ship them?
Was very smug about having predicted Arya's capture by the hound and he asumes we won't be seing the brotherhood any longer which he finds sad cause he finds Thoros so wonderfully entretaining! Him and Bronn are his favourite sidekicks. Almost cheers every time they're on screen.
He liked the Marg/Sansa conversation, particularly the "my mother told me" line. He thinks Margaery is not being friendly to Sansa but playing her because if she marries Tyrion she'll be a very important piece as standing to possibly inherit both the north and Casterly Rock, and that since Tyrion is no fool, she could have a foot in with naive little Sansa. He also liked Tyrion and Shae's scene, found it very moving and realistic, but thought it was a bit redundant. He also found Bran's scene redundant even though he's a HUGE Osha fan. He's changed his mind about the reeds though. He was very taken by them at the start, but now he finds them creepy and boring and wants Osha & Hodor to spirit them both away from there for good. He fears Osha might die in the process if this happens. "Hodor is safe for as long as Bran needs carrying, so probably for as long as Bran lives".
Jon & Ygritte, he loves them and roots for them, and finds them to have great chemistry and calls them "a power couple". He loves how Jon seems to be growing a pair and how thinks that they'll run away from both the night's watch and the wildlings at some point, but with Ygritte dieing. Because otherwise Jon would be happy and that's not allowed for the Starks.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, there's no words to say how much he loathes Robb & Talisa (which he sometimes mispronounces as khaleesi ). He says they don't have null chemistry, they have negative chemistry. He hates Talisa even more than I do. I wasn't particularly bothered by this scene, except for the fact that Talisa's bum, beautiful as it is, had more screentime than my beloved Catelyn, who's by now become room decoration, ffs. Anyways, back to Mr. Tir. He hated her quip to the Blackfish (he's very fond of both Edmure and the Blackfish so far) and kept mocking her. And started insulting the tv when Robb and her were smooching. He finds them annoying, time wasting, and hopes she's a spy in liege with Tywin with all her misterious letters, or that it'll be a gigantic waste of time. He was just beginning to root for Robb last episode but now he's gone off him again cause Talisa irks him that much. He found the whole scene "campy like a cheap soap opera" huffed and puffed at the news of her pregnancy and paused sniggered disdainfully at the 'casually drop hint that i'm pregnant' trope. He's hoping she will get killed sooner rather than later.
What am I missing before coming to Jaime? Hmm... can't remember. Will add later if I do.
Ok. Jaime. I've already said several times how he's always felt about Jaime. He swore he could never like him. (He always listed him in the "love to hate so don't want him dead" group, right next to Cersei). He swore he'd never believe a single word Jaime said. And along came the farewell scene. And when Jaime swears, he paused the tv and said "he means it! he means it, doesn't he? Oh, be still my beating heart!" He was thoroughly moved by that scene. Deeply. He liked the scene with Qyburn and the bear pit. But none of those had a big emotional impact like the farewell scene. He said the bear scene was "very nice". But not particularly gee weez or tense. And he wished he'd thrown Locke and said "the things i do for love" just like when he tossed Bran. He doesn't trust the strength of his resolve, but now he realizes that Jaime has a heart. At the end, he stayed listening the Rains of Castamere approvingly and saying "i'm glad he got the lannister song played at the end. He's fucking earned it".
Oh, I know what I forgot! Theon! He found it repetitive and thought it was a bit of a time waster and very ineffective because "we should feel more horror and foreboding at him getting his dick cut off than when he lost his finger but the other scene was much darker, much scarier". And he's always been a big Theon fan, but he found the whole scene very flat. But he's thinking the whole time "who has Theon" and has already come up with so many options I can't even remember. bwahahaha
-- Edited by Tir Airgid on Thursday 16th of May 2013 07:56:10 AM
“Fear is a strange soil. It grows obedience like corn, which grow in straight lines to make weeding easier. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground.”
Tir, thanks so much for posting this! I was feeling lonely over here! And I love Mr. Tir's thoughts about the episodes. Sometimes they're so similar to mine, and sometimes completely opposite. lol.
I didn't really touch on Robb/Talisa or Theon's scenes much in my comments. I agree with hubby. They were underwhelming. Talisa does have a lovely ass though.
I'm so excited by the possibilities of Arya and the Hound being thrown together again.
I'll add more thoughts a bit later. Gotta work now.
-- Edited by Black as Snow on Thursday 16th of May 2013 12:26:14 PM
This was a chesspiece episode, lots of characters moving to place for what will come next.
I loved:
Tywin staring down the king, I got all tingly when he climbed the steps and Joffrey seemed to shrink at each one.
Jon and Ygritte, they got great moments and dialog that had been missing between them thusfar.
Dany's power play, I loved how she used her dragons to show her cards, she has been awesome this season.
Hodors epic hodor, we laughed so hard when that happened!
I liked:
The Bear scene was quite good, tho I had it hyped up a lot in my mind, so the reality of the scene kinda took me aback.
Oddly, Theons scene, it seems the writers are trying to find new and clever ways for the poor lad to suffer, I admit this one was quite good. I just find Theon's captor such a joy to watch, he gives Joff a run for his money for evil bastard.
Gendry's Blackwater tour, I loved the visual. And some Mel's backstory was interesting.
I didn't like:
Osha's monologue, well acted, but it did not seem to introduce anything new.
Time for a rewatch!
After the rewatch, the bear scene while I understand it's complexity and they could've omitted it entirely, it lacked a bit of intensity. There were additional scene shot for this as you can tell from this screenshot from a previous trailer:
This awesome shot was missing from the final scene? What happened? Editing woes maybe?
Still I am glad the scene is there and I always remember this is a Tv show not a movie, what we have is still quite remarkable.
-- Edited by DonalNoyesArm on Thursday 16th of May 2013 01:44:46 PM
"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN
The OLS is really confused now. He asked me what Robb was King of. I feel like I have to keep reminding him that Robb and Arya and Sansa and Bran and the other one are siblings, and Catelyn is their mother.
He was expecting Arya to get snatched right when it happened, but he was surprised by the fact it was the Hound.
"There's no cure for being a cunt." Bronn "King Stannis is my god." Davos "Who the fuck is Jon Snow?" Locke
Maybe it's just me but I never had a problem remembering tv show characters, even when I didnt read the books. People have said this is not a tv show you can have running in the background while you mess with your phone, it demands attention...and I don't mind.
"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN
I think Season 1 was a lot easier for non-geeks to follow. You have to realize that although we watched Season 1 together when it took place, I only made him rewatch Season 2 before Season 3 started. I think next year we'll do the whole set.
"There's no cure for being a cunt." Bronn "King Stannis is my god." Davos "Who the fuck is Jon Snow?" Locke
My dad has read the first 3 books 3 times (lololol he's reading ADWD for over a year and isn't halfway through), and always asks me when Theon is on the screen: who is that guy, is that Jon (wut)? he also occasionally asks who Robb is. The fun thing is when he sees something hapening he goes all like: "Yesyes I remember this" and then I ask: "you know what will happen next?" and he has no idea. And then we're watching a movie and I say: "Oh look there's Littlefinger" and he is like "Who the fuck is Littlefinger?" and I am like "that's the dude who made sure that red whore who you didn't know who it was got shot by Joffrey, you know that evil king from Game of Thrones."
Lol Japie your dad is hilarous! How can you forget that after reading the books 3 times???
Sorry, small spoiler ahead, kind of. Remember when I said in the other thread that Mr Macha has no clue who's holding Theon?
This is after he read ACoK.
I'm not sure if he was simply confused by the whole Reek business in the books, or by the changes in the show. Or maybe he just has a lousy memory, LOL.