I am going to rank my list based on UK release dates so some movies might have been released in America the year before, and I won't be able to see some movies like Wolf Of Wall Street and American Hustle until next year here.
1) The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
2) Django Unchained
3) Mud
4) Thor: The Dark World
5) Zero Dark Thirty
6) Man of Steel
7) Trance
8) Pacific Rim
9) The World's End
10) The Conjuring
Honorable mentions: Star Trek Into Darkness, The Hunger Games Catching Fire, Les Miserables, This Is The End, The Wolverine.
Unfortunately I was unable to see Captain Phillips, Rush, Don Jon, Lincoln, Filth, Fruitvale Station and Anchorman 2.
Movies I hated or didn't care for : Iron Man 3, A Good Day To Die Hard, Only God Forgives and A Place Beyond The Pines.
No love for Only God Forgives and a Place Beyond The Pines? But but but those two probably had the best acting from all the movies you mentioned (along with Lincoln, which wasn't that great of a movie overall though).
Did not care for the Wolverine but Captain Phillips was awesome
Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water. Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.
No love for Only God Forgives and a Place Beyond The Pines? But but but those two probably had the best acting from all the movies you mentioned (along with Lincoln, which wasn't that great of a movie overall though).
OGF was just too out there for me to appreciate. The visuals were stunning but it's just not my cup of tea, I didn't hate the movie though. Ryan Gosling is dreamy though.
I agree the acting was great in Place Beyond the Pines, especially Dane Dehaan who continues to impress me each time I see him in a movie.
The World's End was very, very disappointing. Had some moments, but never made me laugh as hard as the previous two in the trilogy did. This is the End was a lot funnier. Now that I think of it, didn't see a lot of comedies this year.
Forgot to mention one of the worst movies I saw in 2013 was Gangster Squad, a movie so bad I turned it off after 40 minutes. Such a waste of a talented cast and interesting time period.