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Topic: Al's Top 20 movies of 2014

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Lord Paramount Of The Ginger Minge
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Al's Top 20 movies of 2014

1. Whiplash
2. Gone Girl
3. The Lego Movie
4. Dawn of The Planet of The Apes
5. Nightcrawler
6. The Grand Budapest Hotel
7. The Guest
8. X-Men: Days of Future Past
9. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
10. 22 Jump Street
11. Starred Up
12. The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies
13. How To Train Your Dragon 2
14. Guardians of The Galaxy
15. Edge of Tomorrow
16. Fury
17. Bad Neighbours
18. Sin City: A Dame To Kill For
19. Interstellar
20. Godzilla

Worst of The Year - The Amazing Spider-Man 2


For Hands of Gold are Always Cold

Lord Paramount Of The Ginger Minge
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Posts: 1837

Screw you guys, I made a solid effort last year to watch more broad movies.


For Hands of Gold are Always Cold

Lord Paramount
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Posts: 793
Aside from a few disagreements, that's a solid list


Dildomace- because rubber is for pussies

Mistress Of The Coin
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I didn't go see a single movie in 2014, so I can't comment. teehee

Grand Maesterbator
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Posts: 3538
I saw the Hobbit one. None of the others. I made a bunch of films. Shorts actually. Mostly of me. From behind.


"If you drink, don't drive.  Don't even putt."  - Dean Martin

Mistress of the Rookery
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Al Swearengen wrote:

Screw you guys, I made a solid effort last year to watch more broad movies.

  sorry Al. Lemme see:

1. Whiplash, still didn´t watch
2. Gone Girl, I liked very much
3. The Lego Movie, still didn´t see.
4. Dawn of The Planet of The Apes, I liked.
5. Nightcrawler, not clue if I watched this one , don´t ask.
6. The Grand Budapest Hotel was fun
7. The Guest, I thought it was awful even when it seems to be a parody.
8. X-Men: Days of Future Past, fun but have to say that, as other movies in your list, I find this one just good entertainment and I hope I´m not sounding too stupid. Just being honest.
9. Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Not good, not bad, not much fun. Meh.
10. 22 Jump Street, still didn´t see.
11. Starred Up: I rrrrrrrreally want to watch this one. Need to find the perfect moment.
12. The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies, sorry Al, if I thought the others were crap, I can´t even start  with this one. Fucking waste of time to begin with.
13. How To Train Your Dragon 2. Fun!
14. Guardians of The Galaxy, also fun! It´s very Star Wars (old movies) like.
15. Edge of Tomorrow: I watch some movies just to fall asleep but even for that I try to avoid movies with Cruise.
16. Fury. I liked but I think is not an honest movie. If you want to be more real about good and evil in a war you don´t cast Brad Pitt as a character with grey morals or too fucked up for the war. Everybody loves Brad Pitt (confuse)
17. Bad Neighbours, was terrible. I used to laugh with Rogen now I want to kill him every time he laughs.
18. Sin City: A Dame To Kill For, hated it. I don´t even understand why I watched it.
19. Interstellar. Liked it.
20. Godzilla, fun.


-- Edited by andrea on Sunday 25th of January 2015 03:11:49 PM


"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).




Grand Maester of the Sausage Manufacture
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Al Swearengen wrote:

1. Whiplash didn't watch but want to
2. Gone Girl didn't watch but want to
3. The Lego Movie didn't watch and don't care
4. Dawn of The Planet of The Apes didn't watch and don't care
5. Nightcrawler didn't watch but want to
6. The Grand Budapest Hotel didn't watch and don't care
7. The Guest didn't watch and don't care
8. X-Men: Days of Future Past watched, it was nice.
9. Captain America: The Winter Soldier fun to watch too
10. 22 Jump Street didn't watch and don't care
11. Starred Up didn't watch and don't care
12. The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies fuck peter jackson
13. How To Train Your Dragon 2 i like animation, might check this one
14. Guardians of The Galaxy Great fun watching it, agree with andi as it felt like a good star wars movie
15. Edge of Tomorrow Here's Cruise saving the world again... but hey, it was good.
16. Fury shut up andi! Fury was awesome, definetly top 5 best movies i watched in 2014
17. Bad Neighbours rogen playing rogen in a rogen movie, thx but no thx
18. Sin City: A Dame To Kill For nope
19. Interstellar damn, still haven't watched this, but will do.
20. Godzilla Watched, it was a lot of fun. Standing ovation for the best performance in the movie, the cgi monster. I had never seen that happen before - which says a lot about the quality of the acting...

Worst of The Year - The Amazing Spider-Man 2 didn't watched, but its a spidey movie so it's probably crap.



Donal's Evil Twin


Lord Paramount
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Posts: 986
I disagree with this list.


Outta here, Outta here!

Grand Maesterbator
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Posts: 3538
I watch broad movies as well.


"If you drink, don't drive.  Don't even putt."  - Dean Martin

Defender Of The Realm
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I didn't see many but from that list I loved: Captain America the Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy.

Edge of Tomorrow wasn't a bad affair.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was ok I suppose
Lego Movie was super fun.
Battle of the Five Armies well I already said it was better than the second and some parts I loved. But really, I have no idea what PJ was doing with the trilogy. That story was way too long in every way.



Lady Of The Blue Winter Rose
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I did not see most of these.  I liked "Fury" very much.  However, I can't see Brad Pitt in war movies without comparing him to Lt. Aldo Raine, so I am spoiled that way.  This Hobbit was my fav of the three, I know I am in the minority here.  I sobbed like a baby, so, that is my scale - -0- to sobbing.  Capt. America was surprisingly good to me, not great, but better than I expected.  I need to see "How to Train your Dragon II" with jonsnow in it.  Ashamed that I have not seen this yet My last words on this are:


Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water.  Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.


Lord Paramount Of The Ginger Minge
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Posts: 1837

You didn't have to just comment on the movies in my list I was just hoping to start a discussion about the movies you enjoyed last year.

Those who avoided Edge of Tomorrow for whatever reason missed out on a fun Sci Fi flick. Cruise gave his best performance in years and Bill Paxton stole every scene he was involved in. And of course Emily Blunt was "sit on my face" hot as usual.

Bill Paxton was also great in Nightcrawler. Bill Paxton in general is great!

Andi - I am not sure I understand your point about Fury?


For Hands of Gold are Always Cold

Grand Maester of the Sausage Manufacture
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Posts: 815
i argued with andi over this at IWC, she thinks Brad doesn't convice as the hardass tough guy type. I think he was really good.
and dude, this is a discussion about the movies we watched

our comments, i mean.


Donal's Evil Twin


Defender Of The Realm
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Posts: 2792
Al, I pretty much saw the movies I've mentioned at the theater. That's it. Everything else I watched is older than 2014! I have to admit I went into Edge of Tomorrow doubtful, but Cruise did a pretty good job. This one I saw on DVD btw. And I was super excited to see Noah Taylor.



Lord Paramount Of The Ginger Minge
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Posts: 1837
Dolan wrote:

i argued with andi over this at IWC, she thinks Brad doesn't convice as the hardass tough guy type. I think he was really good.

Brad sold me as soon as he forced Logan Lerman to shoot the Nazi with his pistol.


For Hands of Gold are Always Cold

Mistress of the Rookery
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Posts: 1986
Al Swearengen wrote:

You didn't have to just comment on the movies in my list I was just hoping to start a discussion about the movies you enjoyed last year.

Those who avoided Edge of Tomorrow for whatever reason missed out on a fun Sci Fi flick. Cruise gave his best performance in years and Bill Paxton stole every scene he was involved in. And of course Emily Blunt was "sit on my face" hot as usual.

Bill Paxton was also great in Nightcrawler. Bill Paxton in general is great!

Andi - I am not sure I understand your point about Fury?

calmyotitsDammit man, wait a bit. Everyone is my boss here and there in the entire world? 

But  I will never ever discuss a movie with Tomm Cruise in it. booty. Also I hate Bill Paxton no kidding though.

Don´t have time atm because late and lazy but about Fury is not exactly what Dolan said but yes, kind off. 

I watched  Nightcrawler last week I think. Weird movie, no character development. Storyline is rigid and somehow old as the premise it´s awfully obvious. Someone said is a black comedy? because I watched for that and is not that, if something, it has no humor at all. There´s an atmosphere, that´s for sure and some good shots and acting but also as a satyre (not subtlety whatsoever) doesn´t work.  Tabloids,  really? Weird I tell you.



"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).




Grand Maester of the Sausage Manufacture
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Posts: 815

I watched it last week too. Andi, GET OUT OF MY HEAD!

I liked it, but agree with andi, the story felt kinda stiff, i liked the movie but it felt like it was missing something, i don't know how to say it, it just looked liked "a day in the life" of a psychopathic dude, but where does it go from there?



btw, do you guys have Popcorn time? if not, i totally recommend it.

-- Edited by Dolan on Wednesday 4th of February 2015 09:20:18 AM


Donal's Evil Twin


Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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Just saw "Edge of Tomorrow" holy shit, that was awesome. Gotta buy it!


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Lord Paramount Of The Ginger Minge
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Posts: 1837

How can anyone hate Bill Paxton? cry

Seems like both of you missed the point about Nightcrawler. I thought it was a great study on the media's obssession with using shock footage to generate ratings. And about how far some people will strive to achieve their goals. Gyllenhaal's character also reminded a lot of some of De Niro's work in his prime, he was like a combination of Rupert Pupkin from The King of Comedy and Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver. Great movie, I honestly would feel bold enough to proclaim it a modern day Taxi Driver.

Don saw the light!







For Hands of Gold are Always Cold

Grand Maester of the Sausage Manufacture
Status: Offline
Posts: 815
We didn't missed the point (we have puh-lenty of sensasionalist media focused on violence this side of the hemisphere) i just didn't think it was enough for a movie, i think it should have some sort of closure, i mean, the question i had at the end of the movie was: ok, where will he go now? then the movie ended.


Donal's Evil Twin


Mistress of the Rookery
Status: Offline
Posts: 1986
Al Swearengen wrote:

How can anyone hate Bill Paxton? cry

Seems like both of you missed the point about Nightcrawler. I thought it was a great study on the media's obssession with using shock footage to generate ratings. And about how far some people will strive to achieve their goals. Gyllenhaal's character also reminded a lot of some of De Niro's work in his prime, he was like a combination of Rupert Pupkin from The King of Comedy and Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver. Great movie, I honestly would feel bold enough to proclaim it a modern day Taxi Driver.  


 so, discussing movies is saying I missed a point now eh? You just mad at me because I hate Bill Paxton. If only one of those huge tornados it would have blown him far away! I don´t actually hate him, hate him. Oh who cares.


"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).




Grand Maesterbator
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Posts: 3538
Bill Paxton should have died after Weird Science. I know I know. Not harsh enough.


"If you drink, don't drive.  Don't even putt."  - Dean Martin

Grand Maesterbator
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Posts: 3538

-- Edited by Rygar on Thursday 5th of February 2015 09:55:45 AM


"If you drink, don't drive.  Don't even putt."  - Dean Martin

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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Posts: 4649



"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Mistress of the Rookery
Status: Offline
Posts: 1986

I really hate him now! 


"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).




Lord Bannerman Of The Smileys
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Posts: 2420
Wow. After Alien and Big Love, I would have never realized that was Bill Paxton.


"There's no cure for being a cunt."  Bronn
"King Stannis is my god."  Davos
"Who the fuck is Jon Snow?"  Locke

Mistress of the Rookery
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Posts: 1986

So, today watched this russian movie called Come and see. It´s a war movie about WWII,  when german army was invading Belorussia (Belarus now). Probably the first really anti-war movie I watched. I don`t know if I recommend. I mean, movie is great, formally and not,  but it´s very disturbing. Even the sound or especially the sound. Hard to watch at times. I just remembered we were talking about Fury here and have to say that after watching this one, Fury seems crap. Sorry.

Well you know, not crap but idk, seems little and Brad Pitt doesn´t know where his butt is comparing with the kid in this movie. 

-- Edited by andrea on Sunday 8th of February 2015 12:31:40 AM


"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).




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