Damn it what is wrong with people doing GOT leaks? Don't they realize the Internet if for porn?
Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water. Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.
Loving all the reunions, except, er, Bran, ugh. Sounds like Stephen Hawking.
Things I loved: Arya going to the crypt, past those pos guards
Arya + Brianne =
Bronn saving Jaime's and losing his 30 pieces of silver, er, gold; Judas reference? being a bad ass, loved it
Dothraki making :khal: proud
Davos so into Messandi
Tyrion not wanting his brother to die
Not so much:
Windlance, just too Hobbits for me, don't like it
I get that Jon had to give Dany a visual in the cave but just seemed like kids finger painting
Jon would have at least beat the shan out of Theon for betraying his brother
O.K., the grain's all burned up, what's everyone going to eat now?
Overall my fav episode besides the Nymeria one. 8.5/10
Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water. Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.
My biggest gripe is that ep 3 had some really good acting and writing. This episode was the opposite. It was like a Michael Bay movie, action packed but very little else. Will rewatch tonight.
Best scene was probably Arya vs Brienne. LF is gonna die, Bran knows. Speaking of Bran, I doubt he is gonna be invited to Christmas dinner at the Targaryens this year, dour cousin Bran is at it again.
-- Edited by Rygar on Monday 7th of August 2017 08:21:26 AM
"If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt." - Dean Martin
I really enjoyed the Starks reunion. They are so weird together though. Positively loved how Bran quoted him back on Chaos is a laddah . Petyr and Bran are not that different when you think about it. Bran knows everything and Petyr plays out everything in his mind, all possible scenarios. I think it's all a matter of : can he imagine a scenario where Bran knows everything?! Bri vs Arya was pretty cool. She may have said no one taught her (aka HoBaW training) but those stances were all Syrio
There are so many long-running story arcs coming to an end that I really wish I had rewatched the entire series before the season started. I'm finding myself wondering who knows what. Like does Jon even know what Theon did/allegedly did? Does Arya have any idea what LF has done? Has Arya even seen LF except for his visit with Tywin? That kind of stuff. Trying to remember is making my brain hurt.
I rewatched the ENTIRE series before this one started...so from what I gather Basi:
Arya has met Littlefinger twice, once in season 1 when he introduced himself and sat down next to Sansa to tell him about Sandor's burns. The second was in season 2 when he visited Tywin at Harrenhal. She does not like him, but she does not know about him betraying her father.
It was never discussed on-screen when Jon found out about Theon's betrayal, but Jon did find out Bran was not killed by Theon after Bran met Samwell before crossing the wall.
"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN
What I would really love to see is a recap of the entire series through LF's eyes starting with Jon Arryn's death up until now. His perspective would be so different and probably pretty amusing.
I had a bit of a problem myself figuring out how Dany knew he had two brothers killed and not three. But I suppose Theon made sure he told he he didn't kill Bran and Rickon and she probably found out by word of mouth about Rickon dying at the Battle of the Bastards. Really weird that for a second I couldn't figured it out. It's like with Petyr and Bri: "they say she defeated theHound". There were only 4 participants at that battle. And Bri would never brag, the Hound never told (I rewatched the ep and he only told Brother Al Swearengen that he was beaten by a woman and then Al died), Arya was in Braavos spreading no tales of it... that leaves Podridl Payne. And really, he's not one to talk about it either. At least to my mind. Difficult to put some stuff together.
So my next question is the same as Sansa's. Why did LF give Bran the dagger? To see what he knows? It seems like irrelevant information unless LF was behind it. And he wasn't.
Maybe I am taking it too literally, but I read that scene as LFs way of saying, I am on your side and you can trust me. That dagger is priceless so it was a generous gift. LF was trying to win Bran's affection by showing that he wants to protect Cat's children at all cost. But Bran sees through him, evident by the laddah remark. Now LF is in a really bad position. Between Luwin keeping records of all the raven scrolls (see LFs reaction when Maester Wolken says this in ep 2 or 3), Bran knowing about the laddah and wondering what else he knows, Arya giving him death looks. He is a goner.
-- Edited by Rygar on Tuesday 8th of August 2017 12:02:28 PM
"If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt." - Dean Martin
It would suck but I think that dagger will bed the death of Petyr. I don't think they made whole scenes around it (see Oldtown book from library, LF gifting it to Bran, Bran gifting it to Arya and Arya showing it to Bri and skillfully using it aún their little sparing), only to fade into oblivion. As for why did Petyr give it to Bran? Basi, I'm not sure , gesture of faith and trust winning technique as Ry says maybe. Bran though played his hand too early I think withthw laddah. It would be interesting to know what Petyr thought of that. Because you can see it on Aidan's face that his features are hardening and his eyes are getting a "danger ahead" coldness that he smooths over when he takes his goodbyes.
I don't know that the dagger will end LF. It could just be how Arya gets a pint-sized valyrian steel sword that she uses on...maybe the same Lannister who hired the thug? But your comment made me think about LF and Robyn Arryn. I wouldn't think LF would be naive enough to think gifts would get him anywhere with Bran. And there are many other pretenses he could have used to chat Bran up and get a feel for him.
Bran did play his hand too early. I guess we're supposed to think he doesn't know how to play at all. Bran's inconsistency right now frustrates me so much. In some conversations he's out of touch and thoughtless and blurts out things from his visions (his talks with Sansa, Meera and LF). In others he speaks in code, like referring to Arya's list and "someone very wealthy" wanting him dead. Why not just say the person's name and say that Arya wants to kill Cersei as bluntly as he spoke before? More than that, be has an understanding and a connection to the world here and now during the conversation. He recognizes what Arya's list means and that the dagger would be helpful to her in achieving her goal. Why is he helping Arya if he's not Bran anymore and none of this matters to him?
It's like they didn't think this through. It's sloppy, lazy writing. Just like characters knowing things they were never in a position to find out during the course of the season.
Did I mention that despite all my bitching, I really enjoyed the episode? The battle was amazing until the last five seconds. So many good moments. One of the moments I loved most was Sansa's face when Bran talks about the list and she realizes that Arya could even the odds for her. And of course LF's face when he hears "chaos is a laddah." Fabulous.
Now back to bitching. WHY DID KHALEESI BURN ALL THE WAGONS OF FOOD? WTF? Was she inspired by stories of Stannis' starvation diet during the siege of Dragonstone? Does she think she's hot enough to melt winter all by herself? Is she going to load up all of Westeros and sail them to Essos in her sunken fleet?
While she knew that the army that was at Highgarden would go back to KL, she did not know the exact contents of the wagon train. They were simply supplies and by destroying it she would deliver a blow to Cersei and a very significant show of force.
"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN
Some at WOTW think that he's just pulling out visions and focusing them as he's coming in contact to people and he blurts it out. Which would mean "chaos is a ladder" really meant nothing to Bran just something he saw about Petyr. But I doubt it. I think Bran is planning something. The "wealthy person" he probably knows who that is but never said it, which only confirms he's able to keep the visions and the info to himself. Bran also confirmed that "he's remembering so much more" generally speaking when he talked to one of his sisters. Which means he doesn't need people to trigger visions and to get info on them. I'm thinking there's an element of pretend to his "emotionless Bran". And he's helping his sisters without seeming to. It also makes him a bit if a dick...
-- Edited by Lyanna Stark on Wednesday 9th of August 2017 01:11:32 PM
Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water. Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.
Its funny how D&D claim that scene was supposed to make you feel for both sides, not knowing who to root for, concerned about both sides, like Tyrion felt. However, we all knew Dany would win. Shes not gonna die in her first battle. Fot me, it was more about being concened for Bronn, and to some extent Jaime, but I would have prefered him die carelessly attacking Dany, as is his character trait.
"If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt." - Dean Martin
Basi, mine is just a theory about Bran. I do like to think he knows what he's doing rather than the writing being all over the place but who knows
I was talking with someone about how weird that Stannis and Mel for example somehow never mentioned those drawings. You'd think the writers would have placed some info ahead of time. I mean if you think about it: Stannis already knew about the massive dragonglass resources they have on Dragonstone. He told Sam about them. How come he didn't mention anything about the history the CotF left behind. Did he or Mel completely ignored them or didn't know about them? Did they not know from the pics how to fight them? with dragonglass (I'm assuming they knew how to interpret the pics, after all Jon did it so quickly)
Ry, I really thought Bronn is a gonner. I'm surprised he lasted this long to begin with and I didn't know who to root for for sure. But Jaime and Dany were not going to bite it yet. Really felt like quoting worst movie lines and go ""It's too early in the day for killing princes"
Check out the Arya Brienne fight. Right when Arya says "You swore to serve both of my mothers daughters" at "mother" a woman hunched w auburn hair walks past the archway behind them.
Cat is back!
"If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt." - Dean Martin
I'll take a look next time I see the scene. It wouldn't surprise me though. Doing a little fanservice for the book readers who are sad not to have zombie Catlyn. No worries peeps. Once the walkers get to the Twins, Cat will rise again.
Lol it's there, all right. I'm watching it right now on the screen. Looks like long dark-red hair. Could be just a coincidence but it can totally be trolling