Show Sansa has a bit of book Cat ambition wise in her if I may say so. I mean clearly it’s not related and she learned a lot from Petyr and Cersei but I honestly see her as a mini book Cat, pushing for Jon to be king when he doesn’t want to, while her book mom pushed for Ned to go south to further the House’s fortunes. Just a feeling. Plus now she resembles her mom with her hair like that.
I was sorry to see Arya go south. I’m sure there’s a couple names on that list of hers but she’ll have to get in like for the Mountain. Sandor has first dibs.
Ghost and Tormund. That’s like my dream come true! 😊
Jaime better not act like an ass all the way. Probably a misdirection there so Bri can move on thinking him a worse man than she perceived. There’s approximately 0 chance he’s running to KL to save his sister. Even without a show prophecy we’re still going to see a Valonquar resolution to it I suppose. So Arya can stand in line at that murder too.
Tyrion half assed not complete betrayal of Dany is just horrid for me. For 3+ seasons we see Tyrion believing in Dany and in one ep we see Tyrion getting fed a line from Sansa and there he goes spreading the word to Varys and entertaining the idea. I would have expected Varys to do that and he was true to his word to Dany actually but placing doubts in Tyrion so fast after all the worry and hand wringing about Dany’s safety and making sure she’s getting the throne?! Does it take so little to doubt your faith in someone? I don’t think we’ve seen Tyrion fickle till now.
Also they needed more Dorne. And more Tormund too. Cock is definitely not a qualification. Fuck tradition.