Vanessa is a newbie, episode 4 was not bad at all but had weaknesses but she also wrote episode 6 and that one was one of my favorites.
It also seems like some other writers meddle/tweak with the scripts some, even if they don't get credited, so it might be interesting to see who brings in what.
"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN
I wish GRRM would stop shoving Tyrion's schlong in my
Other schlongs deserve attention too!
No, but seriously.
So, Macha, do tell. How is his schlong!
Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water. Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.
*quietly walks by previous posts* Confession: Even after reading all 5 books, for a long time I still thought it's "Azor Asshai" instead of "Azor Ahai". It just made more sense, you know?
I admit I thought the actor who played Jory Cassel in S1 was incredibly good-looking with a cute, cute accent. They way he calls Arya "li'le lady" :)
And I understand the fuss around Jason Mamoa and now Dany's new boy (forgot his name), but super muscular men are just not my type. Sorry.
Oh yeah, I'm with you sister. Jory is double yummy. What is it about those Starks? Hot, hot, hot!
Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water. Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.
wedding talk! There was only one wedding in part one ! The rest was part two .
Now shut the feck up! ... ok done :)
Yes, what Y said, enough over at WIC especially, wedding, wedding, wedding, shut your pie holes over there!
Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water. Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.
Let's necromance this thread. I confess the phrase "It is known" pisses. me. OFF.
+2 and me!
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
Ok my GoT confession is .... I really bonded with Cat, She is nearest to me in every way. One reason in perticular but I won't share that one. Her Teenage boy questioning all the time and not needing her any more, her teenage daughter thinking she's a woman grown. All the decisions she made. Her grief. I could go on. Enough to say when I read Cat hate I get really upset! Ha ! Me a woman grown!! Oh yeah and I hate it when they call her CATlyn.. Done.
Fuck i totally got your point ! it's the Skyler White's syndrom striking in Cat's bashing ! LOVE YOUR MOMS YOU NAUGHTY BOYS AND GARLS (and we wash your dirty clothes morons !)
And my dirty little secret is i really loved Dany, yeah i was the one who did, and i find Arianne is smart, yes and i'm the one who thinks Sibel is an amazing actress, and the one who totally agrees with Headey's performance. OH AND I CAN'T STAND STANNIS, I'M THIS WOMAN ! Mel is a taliban and Tv Margy is so far better than book Margy ...
Je voudrais un croissant et une chaussette mignonne...
I confess that it bugs the everliving crap out of me that in the book he was steeeeupid (as Cat would say) enough to marry this Westerling chick that he bangs one night and out of some honor feels the next day he has to marry her? What? And, if that's not bad enough, on HBO that he truly loves her? Seriously? For the love of Pete! Will this Taliwakcer (thanks YvyB) chick just die already? It's painful to see her!
Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water. Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
I agree with both of you, Gendry's sex-appeal doesn't work for me (too juvenile for me i guess) and BAS , you totally sumed up the problem with Daario (Bon Jovi for Daario, c'mon, it was sad enough in the book...).
Je voudrais un croissant et une chaussette mignonne...
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).