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Topic: The Walking Dead ( mark comic spoilers )

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Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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The Walking Dead , Season One, Two and Three speculation (spoilers!)

The prison battle played out differently than I expected. Having the governor go nuts and shoot all his own people, that was crazy! But it made sense, and I love crazy unhinged governor a lot better than the play-nice one.

In the end I did feel bad for Andrea, it was more some bad writing rather than the actress. Her final scene was quite good tho, very well shot and nailbitingly tense.

So the governor lived! That was interesting, he is now gonna be a threat out there for season 4. I didnt expect that. It might be cool, afterall all those nameless extras they got will have to die somehow.

In the end this season was quite good, not perfect by any means but it had some great moments, so I will hang around another season. Afterall there is no zombie Tv show on, oh...wait. wink


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Mistress of the Rookery
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DonalNoyesArm wrote:

The prison battle played out differently than I expected. Having the governor go nuts and shoot all his own people, that was crazy! But it made sense, and I love crazy unhinged governor a lot better than the play-nice one.

In the end I did feel bad for Andrea, it was more some bad writing rather than the actress. Her final scene was quite good tho, very well shot and nailbitingly tense.

So the governor lived! That was interesting, he is now gonna be a threat out there for season 4. I didnt expect that. It might be cool, afterall all those nameless extras they got will have to die somehow.

In the end this season was quite good, not perfect by any means but it had some great moments, so I will hang around another season. Afterall there is no zombie Tv show on, oh...wait. wink

icy zombies! wight Well yes, didn´t hate the actress (didn´t like her either) it was bad writing. Don´t remember how was the battle in the comics, I thougth this was easy maybe but yes I prefer crazy governor too. Didn´t like the season. But zombies are addictive.


"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).




Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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Posts: 4649
The Walking Dead ( mark comic spoilers )

Till next season!....except you Andrea...GTFO!


-- Edited by Macha on Monday 27th of May 2013 04:41:52 AM


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Lord Bannerman Of The Smileys
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RE: The Walking Dead , Season One, Two and Three speculation (spoilers!)

Andrea's dead! Yay!


"There's no cure for being a cunt."  Bronn
"King Stannis is my god."  Davos
"Who the fuck is Jon Snow?"  Locke

Mistress Of The Coin
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Posts: 1917
Just wanted to let you know that I started watching the first season. Three episodes in so far, and I'm enjoying it immensely. There are some funny moments and some cringe-worthy ones for a gun nut like me. I would never have believed anyone could come up with enough material to keep a zombie show going for one season, much less three plus seasons, so I'm interested to see what lies ahead and how they keep the show interesting.

No need to reply, since I can't read this thread (spoilers and all that). But I wanted to just pop in here and say hello and I'm now watching a second tv series.

Lord Paramount
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Black as Snow wrote:

Just wanted to let you know that I started watching the first season. Three episodes in so far, and I'm enjoying it immensely. There are some funny moments and some cringe-worthy ones for a gun nut like me. I would never have believed anyone could come up with enough material to keep a zombie show going for one season, much less three plus seasons, so I'm interested to see what lies ahead and how they keep the show interesting.

No need to reply, since I can't read this thread (spoilers and all that). But I wanted to just pop in here and say hello and I'm now watching a second tv series.


lol, I can imagine BaSi, the gunfighting will be getting way worse in upcoming seasons. Good to know there won't be any recoil when the zombieaopalypse has come. And in season 3 there will be a guy with an eyepatch aiming with his patch, it's amazing!


Ok now about the last episode, so spoilers BaS:







YES THE BITCH IS DEAD. I was really afraid she was going to make it one second. I had to laugh how emotional they were trying to make it and I was all like: fuck yeah . So, two of the most annoying characters died this season, now if next season everyone but Daryl dies this show can get crackin' againcrackers. Ok maybe PsychoCarl and hot young blondie can go on the road together killing everything in their path. You have got to give little hot blondie some credit for being so cute and clean and having putting on some fashionable clothes before all hell is about to break fucking loose. But I fear for next season, with a whole truckload of idiotic old people and kids who need to be taken care off. Please say it ain't so.


Outta here, Outta here!

Mistress of the Rookery
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Posts: 1986
Cary Storm wrote:

Andrea's dead! Yay!

creepy smile


"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).




Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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Posts: 4649


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

High King and Conqueror of the Seven Kingdoms
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SO I finally caught up with the show and I must say the last two episodes totally redeemed season 3 for me. THe prison battle was quite different from what I expected and so was mass murdering governor. Merle you good soldier you! And Daryl was so sad! Best finale yet. So where to now? I have no idea, but I'm a believer once more. Just cut the next season down to 8 or so episodes.


AS private parts we are to the gods, they play with us for their sport. 

High King and Conqueror of the Seven Kingdoms
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Oh and also Andrea has some mother fucking ugly feet! Bunions much?


AS private parts we are to the gods, they play with us for their sport. 

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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Aegon I agree with this show less is more, and I am glad the shows best writer is the new showrunner, so I am looking forward to season 4.


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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RE: The Walking Dead ( mark comic spoilers )

This little 7 minute film has more character and heart than most of season 3 put together:


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Mistress Of The Coin
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I'm halfway through season 2 (just watched "Chupacabra" last night). I guess I'm so used to GoT that I expect people to die unexpectedly. They keep surviving! WTF? For instance, it would've been a much better surprise if Andrea had shot Darryl without telegraphing for five minutes that she was going to do it. And then she just grazes him? Bummer. So anyway, still an amusing show, but it's really not that good. The characters are largely two-dimensional stereotypes. I have no idea why I'm still watching it or why it's so popular. I guess I must truly enjoy seeing zombies getting killed in clever and gory ways because that's all the show has going for it so far.

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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Yeah Lady Black, the show not perfect but it has enough momentum and moments that keep ya watching. Keep going tho, season 2 ends on a strong note.


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Mistress Of The Coin
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Glad to hear it, Don. There are some great moments. I'll keep watching till I'm caught up.

Mistress Of The Coin
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So I finally got through season 2 and into season 3. I was thrilled when they killed Dale. I detested him! And I was pissed when they killed Shane. What were they thinking? He was my favorite character. So conflicted and willing to justify his bad acts in the nuttiest ways. I dislike moral relativism, and he was the epitome of it. I enjoyed his character so much!

By the end of season 2, I was thoroughly hooked. I waited a while to start season 3, and I wish I were still waiting. What happened? Did all of the writers walk out at the end of season 2, and it's being written by high school kids now? The characters' actions don't make sense. The plot isn't well thought out. It's stunningly bad. After three episodes, I'm not sure I can keep watching. Someone please give me inspiration to keep going.

Lord Paramount
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You should at least watch until the scene where a guy is aiming his rifle with his eyepatch. I am sorry to say I can't give you much more inspiration, but then again I do love to bitch about this show.


Outta here, Outta here!

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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Lady Black keep watching, Season 3 has low lows and very high highs. Actually my favorite episode in the series is yet to come for you. When you see it you'll know what I mean.


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Lord Paramount Of The Ginger Minge
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Is anyone else starting to lose interest in TWD ? Ever since the pilot I've just been underwhelmed. I really wish they'd ditch that stupid mid season break, it really hurts the pace of the show IMO. Also the S3 finale was such a let down, they spent episode after episode building up the showdown between Phillip and Rick only to have that big anti-climatic prison shootout where nobody managed to get shot.


For Hands of Gold are Always Cold

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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Whereas GOT has the problem that the show sometimes feels rushed and doesn't have enough time, TWD has the opposite problem. Storylines and characters drag along and go nowhere, *this* is a show that should be 10 episodes and not 16 (!!!)

Last season's episode "Clear" was very well done, and the person who wrote it has been promoted to show runner, so I still have hope for this show.....also I love zombies...where else am I gonna find those on TV?



"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Mistress Of The Coin
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Sixteen episodes is an awful lot for this show. I wish GoT would do what TWD does and make each season longer than the previous one. I still have only watched the first three episodes of S3. I'm trying to find the inspiration to watch more.

Mistress Of The Coin
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I hated most of season two, but really enjoyed the last few episodes. The whole Woodbury/Governor concept was so transparent and stupid. So I'm glad that's mostly done, and hopefully there will be better material next season.

Tomorrow is the season premier. It'll make my Sunday so much more entertaining. Football AND Walking Dead.

Grand Maesterbator
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Posts: 3538
Tsk tsk. Boardwalk is so much better.


"If you drink, don't drive.  Don't even putt."  - Dean Martin

Mistress Of The Coin
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I have no doubt that Boardwalk is far batter. But I really enjoy zombies and gore. And every episode has one extraordinary gore scene that makes me gasp and laugh all at once. That's why I watch, not for the fantastic writing and acting.

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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Rygar wrote:

Tsk tsk. Boardwalk is so much better.

 Boardwalk aint got no zombies! calmyotits


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Grand Maesterbator
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Posts: 3538
Exactly. It doesn't.


"If you drink, don't drive.  Don't even putt."  - Dean Martin

Lord Paramount Of The Ginger Minge
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Posts: 1837

I want Maggie's babies.



For Hands of Gold are Always Cold

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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Strong opener! Michonne had a personality! Huzzah!


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Mistress Of The Coin
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I liked the season opener. Lots of changes and new faces, so the slower pace was perfect. The setup for a few events this season are already too telegraphed, but it should be a fun ride. And I love that D'Angelo Barksdale is the shifty new guy. All we need now is Stringer Bell.

Lord Bannerman Of The Smileys
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Yay, more Wire characters!


"There's no cure for being a cunt."  Bronn
"King Stannis is my god."  Davos
"Who the fuck is Jon Snow?"  Locke

Lord Paramount Of The Ginger Minge
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Posts: 1837

Never mind The Wire I hear Bull from Band of Brothers is going to join this season.


For Hands of Gold are Always Cold

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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The show has a nice sense of balance this season. Some very good set pieces and good character moments. Seems the writers took the criticism of Michonne to heart and she seems like a completely different character this season....for the better.


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Mistress Of The Coin
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Posts: 1917
The writers seem to be taking the time to develop a lot of the characters more. I hope the trend continues. I liked the second episode...far better than the beginning of the third season. They're setting up some great character arcs and subplots.

Lord Bannerman Of The Smileys
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Posts: 2420
Yeah, and a nice balance of zombie feasting on flesh too!


"There's no cure for being a cunt."  Bronn
"King Stannis is my god."  Davos
"Who the fuck is Jon Snow?"  Locke

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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Posts: 4649
Carol!!! What hath thou done?


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Lord Bannerman Of The Smileys
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I knew it was her the moment she got upset.

By the way, have I mentioned how this is the best season yet? The writing is


"There's no cure for being a cunt."  Bronn
"King Stannis is my god."  Davos
"Who the fuck is Jon Snow?"  Locke

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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Posts: 4649
Cary Storm wrote:

By the way, have I mentioned how this is the best season yet? The writing is

 Oh gawd, you jinxed it! It's all downhill from here! patrick


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Mistress Of The Coin
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Posts: 1917
I'm liking this season much better than last.

Lord Paramount Of The Ginger Minge
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Yeah so far so good.

The new cast members have freshened up the show but anytime Tyreese appears I keep thinking about Cutty from The Wire. And anytime Bob appears I keep hearing "Stringer where's Wallace?"


For Hands of Gold are Always Cold

Lord Paramount Of The Ginger Minge
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Posts: 1837

Oh and you'll be shocked to learn AMC have renewed TWD for a 5th season.


For Hands of Gold are Always Cold

Mistress Of The Coin
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Posts: 1917
Al Swearengen (aka grump ) wrote:
The new cast members have freshened up the show but anytime Tyreese appears I keep thinking about Cutty from The Wire. And anytime Bob appears I keep hearing "Stringer where's Wallace?"

You're not just kidding.  They look so out of place.  Lol.  I'm really not sold on Bob yet.  They're trying to make him kind of mysterious and sketchy, but I'm just not feeling it.  I'm hoping Bob improves and has an interesting back story.

I'm happy with the direction they're taking the show.  There's a certain predictability to it, but it's still so much fun.  The only thing that bugs me is how incredibly tough one or two zombies are to kill/defend against are in some scenes/episodes and how easy they are to kill by the dozens in others.  But I try not to think about the constant inconsistencies too much, since it's pure gory entertainment. 

Cary, I still liked the first season the best.  Just like GoT.   Both so much fun.

Goddess of Tits and Wine
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I want Daryl's babies ... he's even hotter this season!


  That is what I do . . I drink and I know things 


Mistress Of The Coin
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YvyB wrote:

I want Daryl's babies ... he's even hotter this season!

 Seriously.  Is there anything hotter than a bad boy gone good?  With a crossbow?  And that swagger?  And, and, and....

Lord Paramount Of The Ginger Minge
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Posts: 1837

I can't believe Maggie's sister is 28 in real life, she looks about my age.


For Hands of Gold are Always Cold

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Just saw this recently for the first time, loved it. Need to see season four now. Love Daryl Dixon xxx




“You take a mortal man, put him in control. Watch him become a god, see heads roll."





Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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The strong episodes keep on coming, some solid writing and Carol....awww Carol.

What a change from her S1 and S2 character.


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Lord Paramount Of The Ginger Minge
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I know they have to portray Rick as a badass but I find it hard to believe that a couple punches from him would keep Tyreese down, that dude is built like a prime Tyson.


For Hands of Gold are Always Cold

Lord Bannerman Of The Smileys
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No No No No No No No No No Rick, not a good enough reason to dump Carol. Shit. Well, maybe it was. I'm so disappointed in her.


"There's no cure for being a cunt."  Bronn
"King Stannis is my god."  Davos
"Who the fuck is Jon Snow?"  Locke

Mistress Of The Coin
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Posts: 1917
I'm not sure how I feel about Carol's ouster. Yes, her actions were naive and poor decision-making, but were they worse than Rick's poor choices? More importantly, it wasn't Rick's place to make that decision. I got tired of Rick's unilateral decision-making the first season, and nothing he's done since has made me a fan. He's a paternalistic ass who holds everyone else to a higher standard than himself. He saved everyone else from the difficulty of figuring out how to proceed, but he had no right to act as the judge and jury. Please, oh please let him die this season.

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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The way the episode concentrated on Herschel, I was pretty convinced he would be dead by the end of it...phew! I like the old geezer, what can I say?


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

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