Whovians in the US, the new season begins 1 September 2012. The Time Lord request your presence. Playing Rugby or being sick does not count as a reason. I have no idea when the season starts in west or eat Europe but your time is near. Beware of the hour for it is near. The Daleks are watching.
For some reason I never really warmed up to David Tennant's Doctor, even though I really like him as an actor and thought he was a lot of fun in his earlier episodes. With Matt Smith, it was the exact opposite, I really like how he made the role his own (the writing helped).
I've encountered Tennant in various Science Fiction movies or series and all were poor small scripts written and I thought he was hideous. He often stuck his tongue out when he was nervous and left a bad impression. When I saw him in Dr Who I sighed oh noo. Amazingly he's embraced the role and changed my opinion of him. A candid BBC interview helped my impression of him too. To date Tennant receives higher kudos and recognition but the applause is now for Matt.
Matt Smith on Dr Who was a big challenge at first but I think he's brilliant. He's quirky and full of spark. His pick was very spot on. I've seen him in a movie with Eva Green ( 2010 ) , I'm impressed with his range.
Whovians in the US, the new season begins 1 September 2012. The Time Lord request your presence. Playing Rugby or being sick does not count as a reason. I have no idea when the season starts in west or eat Europe but your time is near. Beware of the hour for it is near. The Daleks are watching.
There's a all day Dr Who Marathon going all day friday and saturday on BBC ( 31 Aug, 1 Sept ), if
David FTW! I liked the darkness he brought to the Dr. But my childhood Dr. was Tom Baker so I guess I should stay true to him...tho'( ahem) I can also remember Pertwee. Yikes! I also had a weird crush on the Cyber men ... strange child ...
David FTW! I liked the darkness he brought to the Dr. But my childhood Dr. was Tom Baker so I guess I should stay true to him...tho'( ahem) I can also remember Pertwee. Yikes! I also had a weird crush on the Cyber men ... strange child ...
Wow, that does sound demented, a Cybermen crush. I simply cannot stop repeating E-X-T-E-R-M-I-N-A-T-E !
when I hear the Daleks ( I guess I'm demented too ). Any way I thought Lady Cassandra would be your crush
David FTW! I liked the darkness he brought to the Dr. But my childhood Dr. was Tom Baker so I guess I should stay true to him...tho'( ahem) I can also remember Pertwee. Yikes! I also had a weird crush on the Cyber men ... strange child ...
Any way I thought Lady Cassandra would be your crush
Not arguing your choice of Doctor, that one totally belongs to you, BUT you also mentioned a crush on Cybermen that could no go unnoticed. M'lady YvyB , the Daleks are more more crush worthy than all the fiends I think, but lady Cassandra, the Last Human on planet Earth truly believes that she is crush worthier than any. I tossed your name in the basket my dear, apologies if she proves not. However complaints will have to be taken up with her agent/ moisturizing team . I believe they are located west of the Isle of Faces and beyond Regeneration Lake :D
:D gotta love 'um. Didn't you watch that episode ( Christopher Eccleson) The Doctor and Rose encounter the last Dalek ( owned by wealthy & corrupt American businessman ) that took a liking to Rose and spared her. Really charming episode. Daleks can be lovable which trumps any as crush worthy ) IMHO ! Peace and love anyways earthling .
Nope, there's a all weekend marathon for catch up , then the new season begins at 8pm. It's only 4: 20 pm Pacific Time. Time for tea now, I'm gonna take a break. Hope you liked the first episode because you guys are hours ahead. Chow !
Macha for real ! (?) she was great and I teared up a little when I saw her as the doctor saw her ( if I'm correct about the actress ). If you're posting about the smart and pretty actress who becomes a Dalek???? If so it must be some timey whimey stuff going on as usual. I was hoping she would be the new girl. I'm a bit tired of Pond ( yes I said it !), I liked the little redhead girl more. Anyway all my angst remains for River Song's return.
Question, should we use spoiler tags in this thread for rumours, press releases and so on? I'll continue to do so until I know for sure.
Wildseed -
yeah, she was announced as the Doctor's new companion a couple of months ago.
She seems pretty cool, doesn't she? Liked her a lot.
Amy and Rory are said to have a pretty sad (or just emotional) final departure this season.
While I love Rory, I never warmed up to Karen Gillan's Amy. Haven't heard anything about Alex Kingston though, and I don't think I've seen her in any of the previews for S7.
Thanks for the heads up Macha and I agree with you for all points. Perhaps in all of the Television Section we should note Spoiler Disclaimer until the day or so following the airing.
I started a Still Reading Book Topic for ASOIAF Newbies that must list page and premise before posting an exchange of words. Spoilers were not discouraged but everyone put on notice
great show . During " the Walking Dead " broadcast season, this podcast follows on screen just after the show. All other times the show is between seasons opposite The Graham Norton Show
The host is Chris Hardwick, an American living in London.
He's the marshall. Ben Browder from Farscape and Stargate SG-1. And it's a REAL American accent, not one of those awful fake ones we find so frequently on Doctor Who.
"There's no cure for being a cunt." Bronn "King Stannis is my god." Davos "Who the fuck is Jon Snow?" Locke
Well this was cheesy as hell.... and I loved it! River was back, sexy banter was on, Rory made me cry for the zilionth time, and Moffat screwed with my brain again. It was actually a happier ending than I thought it would be.
Well, the last mid season episode has aired in California , so you all know the ending. I have always been ambivalent about Amy and Rory , but this episode was excellent. River Song added the essential spark ,alongside Matt Smith. It was well written and edgy modern, an old reference to New York made it memorable and poignant. I actually got weepy, almost wanted the Ponds to stay, hope for a cheerier ending. I felt very sad about River ( the other psychopath on the TARDIS ) and sadder still for the Dr.
Can't wait until the Christmas Special, and arrival of the new time traveler. Things are looking up already.