Psycho Hobbit Janitor FTW. He'd make a good Doctor, I suppose. I'd really like for them to go for someone as different from Matt Smith as possible though. And older. Matt Smith never did sell the whole Destroyer of Worlds thingy. Come to think of it, neither did Tennant...much.
Interesting choice, very interesting indeed. I love Peter because of The Thick Of It and plus the fact he's a fellow Scotsman but I am very surprised they went down this direction, with the explosion in popularity of the recent series I was expecting them to cast another young actor.
-- Edited by Al Swearengen on Sunday 4th of August 2013 06:40:03 PM
Peter Capaldi would have made a GREAT Stannis! Okay, I was on my phone earlier and I couldn't type but seriously, this is probably the best TV-related news I have heard all year. To say that the man is a genius is an understatement. I can't believe they got him. Way to go, Moffat.
To everyone - if you haven't watched The Thick of It, you have NO idea what you've been missing. If you don't want to sit through all 4 seasons (eve though they're very short), you can just watch In the Loop, which is a brilliant, brilliant film. And if you want to see this guy's range, just watch The Hour, where he has plays an amazing part.
watched this show a couple of times some time ago and didn´t do it for me but Dr. Malcom I´d luuuuuuuuuuve.
Now tell me...
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
Timothy Dalton was in the loo during the Galifrey scenes...maybe time lords have two bladders, takes a while to empty!
I wish we had more of the War Doctor...he was amazing. I really wish Eccleson would've come back for a little bit, but it seems his bad blood with the show producers is quite a mess.
"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN