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Topic: Jon Snow *Book Spoilers*

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RE: Jon Snow *Book Spoilers*

Nope me neither. And now that the third season is out on dvd, some people have noted over at that David and Dan had said on the commentaries that Iwan Reon (Ramsey) (not sure how to spell his surname) was the second choice for Jon. This is actually good to hear but we already have the neigh sayers going on how it could have been different had he gotten the part. I'm a little pissed at that.




“You take a mortal man, put him in control. Watch him become a god, see heads roll."





Lady Of The Blue Winter Rose
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Iwan Reon (Ramsey)? Seriously? Nope, not in a million years could he pull off Jon Snow. Yes, I know, I am poisoned by Kit, but, (and nothing else matters after but), NCW = jaime Lord Commander Mormont, Varys, Sean Bean = Eddard Stark. There are some characters in HBO GOT who just "come alive" from the pages of the book. It's a wonderful thing Nina Gold did with casting.


Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water.  Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.


Goddess of Tits and Wine
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Iwan Rheon is a bad ass actor ... he would have rocked Jon but it would of been different and I am fond of our Kit now.

-- Edited by YvyB on Friday 21st of February 2014 02:21:47 PM


  That is what I do . . I drink and I know things 


Defender Of The Realm
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I don't doubt he's a good actor Ivy. I mean look at what he does with Bolton's Bastard. He owns the character. He's truly scary. But I just cannot imagine him as Jon Snow, especially now.

Honestly to hear comments such as: :he would have made a better Jon Snow", I feel that is just diminishing the work Kit is doing. I won't say they might not be right, or that they are not allowed to have such opinion, I am saying I feel very uneasy to read it. Sounds like a critique but not a constructive one for Harrington, since we really don't know how Iwan would have played him.

Anyway, I'm pleased with the Jon Snow we got! :)



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I love both Iwan and Harry Loyd. But they even criticize Benedict Cumberbatch over at Wicnet, so I really can't take most of those people's opinions seriously anymore.




“You take a mortal man, put him in control. Watch him become a god, see heads roll."





Lady Of The Blue Winter Rose
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Harry Loyd is literature royalty to me. He is the great-great-great-grandson of the Victorian writer Charles Dickens through his mother, children's publisher Marion Dickens, who is the daughter of Captain Peter Dickens. His father, Jonathan Lloyd, heads a literary agency. He is the cousin of biographer and writer Lucinda Hawksley, and actor and performer Gerald Dickens. Even grrm says he is one of the best "actors" on GOT. Jon Snow thread, right? Sorry! And yes, WIC is going to seven hells in a handbasket for sites now that Phil is gone, IMO, Mags


Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water.  Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.


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lol, you're right, Ly. In any case, who would play Ramsey and Viserys if not Iwan and Harry?




“You take a mortal man, put him in control. Watch him become a god, see heads roll."





Lord Paramount Of The Ginger Minge
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I miss Harry Lloyd he was perfect as viserys


For Hands of Gold are Always Cold

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Me too Al. Watched season 1 again recently. He was the perfect Viserys.




“You take a mortal man, put him in control. Watch him become a god, see heads roll."





Lady Of The Blue Winter Rose
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KK, help me peeps with this one.  And this is I stretch, I know in advance.  The Targaryen Valyrian steel sword, Blackfyre. It disappeared with Bittersteel a/k/a Aegor Rivers, who formed the Golden Company in Tyrosh and or the Free Cities until his death, not to be seen again.  Is it likely that the sword ended up somehow with Mormonts? Jeor Mormont had his own house sigil on it, and then to Jon Snow with a direwolf/ghost on it.  Longclaw is a "bastard's sword" or "hand and a half long sword", like Blackfyre.  Now, Longclaw has been in Mormont's family for five generations and it's that many between Jeor and Bittersteel (if my figures are correct), six if you include Jorah.

Anyone have any other ideas about it? Where would a Mormont get a Valyrian steel long sword otherwise? I'm all over the place on this one but I've thought about it for a quite a while.


Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water.  Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.


Defender Of The Realm
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I just went to skim through the chapter where he gives Jon the sword. He doesn't say anything about where it is coming from. No idea really.

But here's a timeline though: Bittersteel took Blackfyre and fled to the Free Cities. That was around 196-197 AC. When Mormont gives Jon Snow Longclaw we are in 299 AC. That is only about 100 years later. Doesn't sound like that's five generations.



Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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Is that AC or AL? Or AC/DC? teehee


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Knight Of The Sunset Sea
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Jon Snow is a fascinating character, both TV and book. I have so many half-baked theories that surround him. But the Blackfyre connection was lost on me. If what I believe is true. ( That LS+RT=JS) than it fits. But we must ask ourselves. Is it GRRMartinian? the Gods only know


And so he spoke and so he spoke

that lord of Castemere

And now the rain, weep o're his halls

Without a soul to hear.

Lady Of The Blue Winter Rose
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Posts: 2688
I know, right Paulie? Jeez. So, my theory. I can't track Mormonts past Jeor, and I can't track Blackfyres past Bittersteel, at least through his children (if he had any). However, Jeor says that Longclaw has been in his family for five generations, where it came from before then, I don't know. There is probably time between when Bittersteel died and the sword came to the Mormonts, hence my quandary. I just think it's a cool theory. Not too many Valyrian steel long swords out there.


Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water.  Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.


Knight Of The Sunset Sea
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Posts: 219
If any Mormont (male or female) were in Golden Company at the time then we have a winner! This is a great theory. Is it yours or TW's?


And so he spoke and so he spoke

that lord of Castemere

And now the rain, weep o're his halls

Without a soul to hear.

Lady Of The Blue Winter Rose
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Posts: 2688
Oh, Paulie, you're killin' me. You don't think I'm bright enough to come up with my own theory? Nope, this baby is all mine. I did not get it it from another site, or another book, or another thread, this is just one I pulled out of my booty !!


Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water.  Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.


Knight Of The Sunset Sea
Status: Offline
Posts: 219
insulting your intelligence was not my intent. Just a query. It is a dandy. This could get some real tread. Share Share Share


And so he spoke and so he spoke

that lord of Castemere

And now the rain, weep o're his halls

Without a soul to hear.

Lady Of The Blue Winter Rose
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Posts: 2688
I know, I know, bad Lyanna, bad! I ask for help, set myself up for this and then bitch spank. You know I love ya, Paulie huggs


Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water.  Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.


Defender Of The Realm
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Posts: 2792
DonalNoyesArm wrote:

Is that AC or AL? Or AC/DC? teehee

 HAHA Don, stop it! teehee

I said AC as in After the Conquest. It could totally be After the Landing though which I assume AL means.



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