I loved it! I loved how it hooks up to LOTR the Fellowship. Love how Thranduil (sp?) has 1.5 human moments of emotions. I sobbed like a baby. Not as bad as Return of the King sobbing, that was epic sobbing. Gladriel was fantastic, absolutely loved her being a bad ass. Mr. Lee moves around very well for a man in his early 90's - I know, right? Bard's part in this was wonderful, he steps up BIG TIME over Hobbit II. The one-on-one battle scenes were great. Was not impressed by the eagles, again, sick of those guys. And thank the Seven NO Gollum in this one, I am so sick of Gollum, I can't see straight. Thorin's decent into madness is portrayed very well. 8 out of 10 from Lady Lyanna
Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water. Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.
Ok, I've seen it today and I thought it was ok. Better than the second (I think anything would have been better than the second!) and maybe better than the first one too.
The Thorin madness was way waaaay too slow for me. And I mean that both figuratively and literally. I don't think they could have made more slow motion scenes with him in that gold floor hall even if PJ tried. Battle sequences in the Dale were overdone and Alfred was ridiculous instead of hilarious, I have no idea what the hell Jackson tried to do with him.
The one on 5 fights were ok. I had fun watching how Legolas and Thorin were completing the fight scenes for one another. It's the nerd in me. I didn't really go for the elf/dwarf romance thing but then I already knew I wasn't going to like that part so I went in with a lot of acceptance for that.
Now the parts that I liked were the Bard killing Smaug and to my surprise the set up that was completely unnecessary for the sequel! How about that... Gandalf's totall filler story was awesome! Galadriel saving his ass with Elrond and Saruman was nicely done. The rings intro story, the Nazgul fighting and the Elven lady standing up to the Eye, I enjoyed all of it immensely. Not too long, no slo-mo that I remember of and definitely how a sequel should be introduced. If they wouldn't have done the LotR I'd be waiting with baited breath for it.
But Cary, Strider was about 30 when the Hobbit adventures took place. Aragorn was IIRC about 90 yrs old when the LotR happened in Tolkien's universe. Aragron was human, that's true, but of Numeroan blood. That meant longer life and slower growth metabolism. I mean he was described at the time of the War of the Rings as being in the prime of his life! He also died at around 210 yrs old.
-- Edited by TormundsWoman on Monday 29th of December 2014 09:30:13 AM
Actually, I got corrected on Facebook. But Strider was only about *10*. Which means he probably didn't need some nasty Mario Brothers plastic-surgery-looking-young elf running around bugging him.
"There's no cure for being a cunt." Bronn "King Stannis is my god." Davos "Who the fuck is Jon Snow?" Locke
I liked the Dol Guldur scenes. However, I didn't like how they changed Galadriel as being the one who forced Sauron to lose his "man form". Sauron was supposed to lose his shape after he lost the One Ring - losing much of his power (including shape shifting) and being forever left as a fiery eye. I'm not 100% but I think PJ stated this in the LotR trilogy as well so he contradicted himself.
Also, rehashing the "A light in the darkness" line from when Galadriel gives Frodo the Phial was cheesy.
"If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt." - Dean Martin
Actually, I got corrected on Facebook. But Strider was only about *10*. Which means he probably didn't need some nasty Mario Brothers plastic-surgery-looking-young elf running around bugging him.
Yes he was 10. I took out 60 years from his LotR age (87 to be exact not 90) but in truth when Strider meets Frodo it has passed 77 years from the Battle of the Five Armies. (2941 to 3018). That doesn't bother me so much to be honest but the scene on the whole between father and son was meh to begin with.
-- Edited by TormundsWoman on Monday 29th of December 2014 09:29:49 AM
You meanie! That would be a cool trick Ry! Boromir is almost 50 yrs younger then Aragorn! (Nevermind that Strider could kick the pants off Boromir with his eyes closed and one hand tied behind him)
PS. If Ry keeps trashing my beloved Strider I will be forced to start an Aragorn appreciation thread. Nobody wants that! NOBODY. I suggest measures be taken.
-- Edited by TormundsWoman on Monday 29th of December 2014 12:02:57 PM
Well I finally got to see it last night .. Loved bits , liked bits, disliked bits and HATED one bit ! All in all a good romp but I left feeling disappointed at the finale end of the whole series ... though the tunes are still in my head this morning.
The Thorin madness was the bit I hated ! Loved the Elven armor and their fluidity of their movements. BillY!!!!! Was epic . Loved his war boar and the mounted rams.The dwarf army interlocking shields and the elven over the top thing. Legolas ... hmmm , bit of a non starter with his fights as you know he's going to survive ! Also they don't tell you what happens to all the gold ? Do they?
Loved the bad ass fight with the Nazgul. Also didn't like the convo about "Strider" I'm sure he wasn't called that at 10!
I leave it on a good note ... liked the ending with old Bilbo on the night of the first movie ... Oh and loved the credits.. ol' Billy boy singing and the sketchy cast pictures.
-- Edited by YvyB on Thursday 1st of January 2015 08:45:04 AM
Meh. That should have been the end of the second one, and they could have scrapped the rest of the film. It was just bad- the overdramatic, neverending fight scenes where the orcs and the dwarves and the elves just take minutes staring at eachother in the middle of stabbing one another, the whole love triangle was a trainwreck, the death scenes were meh, the dialogue felt completely unnatural and forced (especially in the end) and the last 10 minutes dragged- hell, the whole movie dragged, it was based off of what could have been at most half an hour of solid stuff. And yeah, the beginning wasn't good.
It really killed Smaug's presence and awesomeness from the second film, to just see him die so abruptly, which is a shame since Smaug was the best thing in this trilogy IMO. I just knew it was coming and it was so lame to delay it 5 minutes into the next movie just for a cheap cliffhanger.
The movie is a 4 in my opinion. Maybe a 5, if I'm generous.
-- Edited by jentario on Friday 23rd of January 2015 12:16:26 PM
I agree that it should have been at the end of 2. PJ blew it there. It should have started with the Dol Guldor scene as a cold open and then the aftermath of Smaugs destruction.
Let's do a remake.
"If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt." - Dean Martin
You meanie! That would be a cool trick Ry! Boromir is almost 50 yrs younger then Aragorn! (Nevermind that Strider could kick the pants off Boromir with his eyes closed and one hand tied behind him)
PS. If Ry keeps trashing my beloved Strider I will be forced to start an Aragorn appreciation thread. Nobody wants that! NOBODY. I suggest measures be taken.
-- Edited by TormundsWoman on Monday 29th of December 2014 12:02:57 PM
Um, I want that!
Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water. Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.
Ly! I can't do an Aragorn appreciation thread. It will be a shrine of . Plus no one will be allowed to criticize it and I will have to mod that thread something fierce (You know the moment one says this character is perfect, Ry shows up and says something mean!) Don!!! an edited edition. I want to see it. Orcs are out. As they should be. So is the love triangle! And no Evangeline Lily. Well then
-- Edited by TormundsWoman on Friday 23rd of January 2015 06:41:39 PM
Far too much negativity in this thread. If you think The Hobbit movies are bad then you need to watch a lot more cinema, those movies don't even come close to the abominations that are TASM 2, Transformers or Star Wars prequels.
One was nauseating, two was a dry heave, three was throw up a bit in my mouth.
The only difference between these prequels and SW 1-3 is that the lead in Hobbit can act, unlike Hayden. Both prequels feature way too much fluff and CGI and terrible writing. However, at times, you can still find some great things in each movie (including the SW prequels) and that's what I'm taking away from them
That and hot elf chick bootay.
"If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt." - Dean Martin
Well if you think my mother's meatloaf is bad, you haven't tried aunt Betty's! Or my neighbour Clara's!
Bad is bad, that doesn't mean there are worse movies to be found. You are actually saying that shit can turn into good by having a lot more shit around. Good to have you back Al .
Far too much negativity in this thread. If you think The Hobbit movies are bad then you need to watch a lot more cinema, those movies don't even come close to the abominations that are TASM 2, Transformers or Star Wars prequels.
I refuse to see abominations and Star Wars in the same sentence! I simply refuse!
Well if you think my mother's meatloaf is bad, you haven't tried aunt Betty's! Or my neighbour Clara's!
Bad is bad, that doesn't mean there are worse movies to be found. You are actually saying that shit can turn into good by having a lot more shit around. Good to have you back Al .
No, my point is some of you don't seem to understand the definition of bad Those movies were not bad at all. I can understand the argument that they aren't as special as LOTR, that's a sensible point to make. To me a lot of people hate The Hobbit movies simply because it was turned into a trilogy and CGI was used instead of prosthetics, people had made up their minds before they even saw the movies. It's like me and GOT S5
-- Edited by Al Swearengen on Monday 26th of January 2015 09:08:02 PM
oooh, now we're getting all serious and shit, tickles.
just look at how movie 2 ended, out of nowhere, just cut to nothing, that was so shitty, i felt cheated really. And i liked movie 2 btw, i mean it wasn't great but it wasn't bad either.
But you have to keep in mind these movies come after Lotr mvoies and there's no way the comparison won't be made, i mean it's the same fictional universe, same director, did PJ really thought he could get away with it? Stretching the plot till it bursted, just to add freaking Legolas in it, plus hot chick from Lost, and for what?
Jackson doesn't strike me as the type of individual who's motivated by money, he's a humble geek like us. And he's set for life with the backend he gets from LOTR.
Call me naive if you like but it's as clear as day to me that Jackson is a regular joe who's just great at making movies. He drinks twenty odd cups of tea a day and walks around in tatty shirts and cameo shorts ffs.
The studio on the other hand probably rubbed their hands together with glee when Jackson & Co said they wanted to turn it into a trilogy.
It's like me and ADWD: was planning to love it, hated it with a fiery passion that is still keeping me warm. Daring to criticize it has led to fanboys accusing me for having the wrong expectations because they simply can't accept that there are people in the world who simply think that their precious favourite stuff is pure shit to us mere mortals.
A film can have good parts and still be poor in the end, some movies bad acting and crappy special effects others bad plotting, poor pacing and boated run times can make a movie bad also. I feel the Hobbit trilogy is guilty of the latter.
The merit of a film is subjective, everyone is a critic, but the majority of LOTR fans feel the Hobbit trilogy is a pale imitation of the original trilogy, but if you like it Al, its fine...and more power to ya.
"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN
A film can have good parts and still be poor in the end, some movies bad acting and crappy special effects others bad plotting, poor pacing and boated run times can make a movie bad also. I feel the Hobbit trilogy is guilty of the latter.
The merit of a film is subjective, everyone is a critic, but the majority of LOTR fans feel the Hobbit trilogy is a pale imitation of the original trilogy, but if you like it Al, its fine...and more power to ya.
this. pretty much.
It's like, oh sure, the movie is crap but they really tried so hard! I mean, seriously? This is the Lotr legacy you're crapping on PJ! The least you could do is try to reach the same level of quality of the Lotr trilogy, and the hobbit doesn't even get close.
And Al, you can spank me any time, just don't forget to bring the wax too.
That's quite good, Don! I thought about the Thorin/Aragaron connection myself (which is weird because I thought: "why would I do that, they are so different in essence") but honestly I never thought of the similarity to Boromir though I totally should have! The action/ reaction scenes I have never picked up on, but it is true.
PS. "Boromir couldn't be trusted from the start!" and they never tried to sell us on Boromir. #truth
Also: OMG :freaout: they chose the Aragorn kills orc who killed Boromir to illustrate the differences in fight sequence LotR/TheHobbit which is the awesome-est fight evahhhh! *fangirling to the highest degree*
-- Edited by TormundsWoman on Wednesday 28th of January 2015 07:08:27 PM
The theater editions were shit (especially FotR), but they did a new transfer with the EE-editions. Still, PJ fucked it with a new colour palette to get it in tune with the new Hobbit movies: so fuck you PJ, I won't buy your garbage George Lucas alterations. Never heard about sound issues though.