I just started watching this series. Yeah, GoT withdrawal. And I have a ton of work to do. But I'm really enjoying this show. The characters, the writing, the acting, pretty much everything is phenomenal. Except the opening credits. Those bug me. And of course, the ignorance about guns.
I'm not a tv series kind of person, and I'm pretty sure this is the first tv series set in contemporary times I've enjoyed. It's definitely the first cop show that's been worth my time. I love how gritty it is, and how cynical its worldview is. And I like the portrayal of these cops as a bunch of burned out, overworked public employees, many of whom don't give a damn. It's a bit of realism that's rarely depicted. In some ways it's overdone, but for the most part it's right on. I like cops typing on typewriters and driving crappy old cars. And I like the portrayal of the inner city, even though I have no idea who accurate it is.
I love the apparent miscasting of Avon Barksdale. He looks so unassuming. Not the drug lord stereotype at all. You would expect by looking at them that Stringer Bell is the head honcho and Avon is an accountant. It's an effective way to break the stereotype, and I want to do a double-take every time I see him.
The only huge casting error I've noticed is with the state prosecutor. Maybe it's just me, but the actress doesn't bring anything to the role. She's not engaging. She's not genuine. I'm hoping Avon or Stringer Bell order a hit on her so that I don't ever have to see her again.
Oh, and you can tell I've lived in the country too long. All these people knocking on each others' doors in the middle of the night and door bells ringing all the time, what is that? Maybe I live in a social black hole, but it's completely foreign to me. You don't just show up at someone's door here. So yeah, it's probably just me, but it sticks out as being strange.
So I'm a bit late to the party and don't want to read back and get spoiled, but I'll post my thoughts anyway.
The only huge casting error I've noticed is with the state prosecutor. Maybe it's just me, but the actress doesn't bring anything to the role. She's not engaging. She's not genuine. I'm hoping Avon or Stringer Bell order a hit on her so that I don't ever have to see her again.
You don't just show up at someone's door here.
LOOOOOOOl get in line to hate that Rhonda bitch! we are a few!
You should live in my town for a few days... you´ll know how people can show up at any time
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
Major Crimes Unit? shhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttt.
sing Clay sing!
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
Rhonda bitch for Jap... just look at that bitchy face. Was that acting? hmmm saw her in some other things... like playing a sycho killer or something... same face, same acting.
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
You're such an icky boy! I finished season one. I sincerely hope that the other seasons can compare because the season finale left me feeling like I wouldn't like the changes that are coming.
I liked Season 2 a lot once I adjusted to the new characters and changed focus of the season. It wasn't as good as Season 1, but it's still outstanding television. I think what I love most about this show is that it's about grey areas and slippery slopes. The grey areas between right and wrong and good and bad. The differences between many of the "good" guys and the "bad" guys is more a question of circumstance than of malevolent intent. And the truly good guys and truly bad guys are still so human and fallible that you can't help but feel a connection with them on some level. And beyond that, it shows how bureaucracy and politics and personal ambition make such a mess of our criminal justice system. What a splendid show.
So season 2...I love Frank Sobotka and his hopeless quest to save a dying industry. His willingness to use any means to reach that end is his downfall, but you can't help but root for the guy. And Ziggy...wow, I detest Ziggy. I sincerely hoped he would catch a bullet all season long. And poor Nick. He's a good guy with a good heart, who just can't seem to catch a break no matter how hard he tries. He gives in to the temptation to take the easy way out and loses everything. It's painful to watch.
And that Stringer Bell. The guy is absolutely ruthless, willing to do anything to further his business interests. I wondered repeatedly whether he ever regretted having D'Angelo killed as he was dealing with those who were left grieving over the loss. I don't think he regrets anything. I love his application of economic principles to the drug trade. He's trying so hard to do everything right, and it's cute to watch the big bad enforcer applying his class material to his work. I also wondered about him having sex with D'Angelo's girl. Was that because he wanted to, or to manipulate her? What I really wonder is why he hasn't ousted Avon. There's absolutely no reason for him to allow Avon to remain in power, as far as I can tell. And yet, he bends to Avon's will or tricks Avon into bending to his. It seems unnecessary.
My favorite scene this season was Bunk getting on the boat with his life vest. Classic. And McNulty is circling the toilet bowl. He's so self-destructive, it's almost comical. I liked him a lot less this season, even though he has that smirk... yum.
Season 3 better be able to match the first two!
-- Edited by Black as Snow on Sunday 7th of July 2013 12:20:20 AM
And that Stringer Bell. The guy is absolutely ruthless, willing to do anything to further his business interests. I wondered repeatedly whether he ever regretted having D'Angelo killed as he was dealing with those who were left grieving over the loss. I don't think he regrets anything. I love his application of economic principles to the drug trade. He's trying so hard to do everything right, and it's cute to watch the big bad enforcer applying his class material to his work. I also wondered about him having sex with D'Angelo's girl. Was that because he wanted to, or to manipulate her? What I really wonder is why he hasn't ousted Avon. There's absolutely no reason for him to allow Avon to remain in power, as far as I can tell. And yet, he bends to Avon's will or tricks Avon into bending to his. It seems unnecessary.
I think we should rethink our spoiler policy for these threads, I don't think people that haven't seen the show read back until they've seen it all...?
I'll use spoiler tags this time, but it's nothing major.
I forgot many things about the show already, but regarding what you said about Stringer and D'Angelo's wife/lover, I remember I too wondered what the hell was that all about. But she seduced him, right? For her I think it was just about protection, and for him, I think he ended up caring for her at some point. Dunno, I can't remember their relationship being developed that much after this point....oh wait, I do remember something, but you're not there yet.
As for Stringer and Avon, again, I wondered the same thing. Initially I thought Stringer was just waiting for the chance to betray him, but he didn't do that, did he? At least not in an ugly way. It was obvious he welcomed the chance to step in, as he had a few ideas of his own, and that he'd hardly give up his power now that he had it, but I think he genuinely cared about Avon in his own way. I think he just wanted his position, but didn't want to betray him up front because they still shared this bond they developed growing up.
I watched the first episode of season 3, and I just have to say that Stringer Bell pretending to be Chairman of the Board conducting a board meeting is brilliantly funny. "Adjourn your asses."
Just watched the pilot, I like McNaulty (sp?) and Stringer Bell. And I like how it seems to focus on all aspects of the law/crime from the politicians at the top to the druggies in the streets.
I will keep watching.
"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN
that guy. I love this, when you already watched a show and not planning on watching again and then new people love it so you found new things.
Macha never saw you were alone here. I fucking adore the music in that show. Can´t remember every one of them but ... TOM WAITS.
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
I really enjoyed the S4 version, though I'm just watching S5 and man... I can't stand that one.
@Ry, that video is gold!!!!!
“Fear is a strange soil. It grows obedience like corn, which grow in straight lines to make weeding easier. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground.”