Eastwood and Humphrey Bogart have been screenwriters favorites for best lines in movie history. Help me remember some of them. Go ahead, make my day, punks.
Humphrey Bogart as Sam Spade - The Maltese Falcon
"I don´t mind a reasonable amount of trouble"
"When you're slapped, you'll take it and like it."
"You're a good man, sister."
"People lose teeth talking like that. If you want to hang around, you'll be polite".
"If you kill me, how are you gonna get the bird? And if I know you can´t afford to kill me, how are you gonna scare me into giving it to you?"
"I hope they don't hang you, precious, by that sweet neck. Yes, angel, I'm gonna send you over. The chances are you'll get off with life. That means if you're a good girl, you'll be out in 20 years. I'll be waiting for you. If they hang you, I'll always remember you."
Bit of a dialogue:
Louis: What in heaven's name brought you to Casablanca? Rick: My health. I came to Casablanca for the waters.
Cap. Louis:The waters? What waters? We're in the desert. Rick: I was misinformed.
Clint Eastwood
As Walt Kowalski in Gran Torino:
"Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn´t have messed with? That´s me."
"Get off my lawn"
"I've been called a lot of things, but never funny."
"I used to stack fucks likes you five feet high in Korea... use ya for sand bags."
As Harry:
“Listen, punk. To me you're nothin' but dogshit, you understand? And a lot of things can happen to dogshit. It can be scraped up with a shovel off the ground. It can dry up and blow away in the wind. Or it can be stepped on and squashed. So take my advice and be careful where the dog shits ya!”
As Blondie in The good, the bad and the ugly:
"It's not a joke, it's a rope, Tuco. Now I want you to get up there and put your head in that noose."
As The Stranger in High Plains Drifte:
"You're going to look pretty silly with that knife sticking out of your ass."
As Joe in "A fistful of dollars"
"You see, my mule don't like people laughing. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it."
As Robert Kincaid in "The bridges of Madison County":
"Don't kid yourself, Francesca: you are anything but a simple woman."
"If you want me to stop, tell me now."
As Will Munny in "The unforgiven":
"We done stuff for money before, Ned." (wut?)
"He should have armed himself if he's gonna decorate his saloon with my friend."
And finally..."... to us ducks ´cause we don´t give a quack!
-- Edited by andrea on Monday 12th of November 2012 10:40:20 AM
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
If we are talking about Clint Eastwood we need to talk about his entire career. Yes, Dirty Harry and the Spaghetti Westerns made his career. They offer countless lines of fodder for the macho. But it is his later work that leaves an impression on me.
The Unforgiven is quite possibly one of the best movies to come out of the nineties. It came out when everyone thought that the western genre was dying. The market was flooded with the unrealistic portrayals of the Wild Wild West. Movies like Silverado and the Young Guns films were entertaining and action packed. But connecting with any of the characters on a personal level was impossible. Tombstone, as campy as it was, has become a cult classic with many thirty something men quoting the film. It remains a favorite. But The Unforgiven truly captures the spirit of the American west. Its characters are deep and flawed. Neither black, nor white.
Accolades include 4 Academy Awards including a Best Director award for Clint himself. But this film made an impact beyond critical recognition. It changed the genre. No longer were the macho, somewhat silly western films so prominent. Now the darker films, more in common with The Unforgiven than Tombstone, are being produced. Movies such as Open Range, The Assassination of Jesse James and 3:10 to Yuma show the darker side of the American west and thus a much more realistic character portrayal.
-- Edited by Amsterpaul on Monday 12th of November 2012 11:39:01 PM
Clint says, "You have to ask yourself. Do I feel lucky?" "So, you feelin' lucky, punk?" Love that! My fav film of his is Two Mules for Sister Sarah.
Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water. Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.
Love Clint Eastwood (more as a director than an actor but still like him), on the other hand ...Humphrey Bogart = Kevin Costner to me.
Love the Maltese falcon as a movie though.
-- Edited by Tir Airgid on Tuesday 13th of November 2012 07:03:41 AM
“Fear is a strange soil. It grows obedience like corn, which grow in straight lines to make weeding easier. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground.”
What Paul said about Unforgiven, yes, a hundred times YES. Loved that film. And the Bridges of Madison County has to be one of my all time favorites. That scene where they part at the stop, and it's raining, ugh...that kills me everytime. "I don't want to need you, because I can't have you. " Get out, Clint, just get out. You perfect, perfect man.
"I once fixed a door that wasn't even broken yet." (Gran Torino)
and some dude in Escape from Alactraz, I think: "- what kind of childhood did you have?? - Short."
Enjoyed 3:10 to Yuma very much. Also Bridges of Madison County. So hard to watch that one with out .
Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water. Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.
Big fan of the old Eastwood Westerns, especially Two Mules for Sister Sara.
Clint: (after Sara asks him to bury men he killed who tried to harm her): Sister, I don't mind shooting them for you, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna sweat over them for you.
As soon as those cameras are off I am going to fuck that little dog.
Love Clint Eastwood, but ...Humphrey Bogart = Kevin Costner to me.
I'm with Tir on this one, I'm a huge fan of classic movies, but no Humphrey for me. Never really liked his acting.
yes, you better run! Youruinedmy lunch . Ladies, not that Clint is a genius as an actor, love the guy but... just saying. Theyplayed thesamekindof charactersandneitheris/was a greatactor.
The genres both of them attempted (noir and western) are based on stereotypes (as you know already) and they never require great acting chops, just a proper writing and good lines. That´s the reason why "Unforgiven" was so good ... Eastwood, as a director, broke some rules genre there.
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
I completely agree. To me, Eastwood is a much better director than he is an actor. With Bogart, I may be biased, because I'm not a huge noir fan. And I'd rather not rant about Casablanca, which is in my opinion a highly overrated movie. Bogart is great for some roles, but I've only liked him in minor parts so far. Haven't watched all of his movies tho, so it could be that I simply haven't found his best parts yet.
"Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie? " Outlaw Josy Wales.
"Get Three coffins ready, my mistake, Four coffins" . "I dont think its nice you laughin'. You see my mule dont like people laughin. Gets the crazy idea that you are laughing at him. Now if you apologize like I know you are going to, I might be able to convince him that you didnt mean anything by it" A Fistful of Dollars
"If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt." - Dean Martin
I've never watched a Humphrey Bogart film. And don't intend to.
pew pew pew
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
I not only have a "Dack set to harpoon and tow a cable" but I also have my own brilliant strategists (Marshal Rygar, I owe you one).
What´s your next move punk?
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
"I should never have switched from scotch to martinis." "They`ll nail anyone who ever scratched his ass during the National Anthem."
And this is great, look what he said about Bette Davis: "Even when I was carrying a gun, she scared the be-jesus out of me." Smart guy.
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
I not only have a "Dack set to harpoon and tow a cable" but I also have my own brilliant strategists (Marshal Rygar, I owe you one).
What´s your next move punk?
LOL, Andrea, you hard ass!
Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water. Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.
'Baby' Red Cavanaugh: "I didn't hear what the bet was."
Monco (Clint): "Your life."
"for a few dollars more"! yay! I forgot about this thread, shame on me. Thanks Rygar.
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
This is so far from Eastwood's badass side, but just saw his movie Hereafter and even if it's not a great movie, it's still something I recommend, because it's very sweet and simple, the kind of thing he directs best. And Matt Damon is wonderful in it.
I love that movie KM! I also love To Have And To Have Not. Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart FTW.
"You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow."
And not to forget 'Key Largo', 'Treasure of the Sierra Madre'* and 'In a Lonely Place' which is an atypical Bogart movie.
* Dobbs: Conscience. What a thing. If you believe you got a conscience it'll pester you to death. But if you don't believe you got one, what could it do t'ya? Makes me sick, all this talking and fussing about nonsense.
Sounds like something from GoT!
She knows which end to use
"You can shit later, there's people coming!"
And we ask the stranger not to kill us in our beds tonight for no damn reason at all