I can't believe we're not talking about the new season.
So Cary, what do you think of the new season?
I won't say anything unkind, since my expectations are low. What I like most about this season is the addition of Old Norse to the Old English of previous seasons. I don't have any knowledge of Old Norse, so I can't comment on its authenticity, but their Old English is quite good. It makes me smile to hear it.
Not to disagree with you, but I remember no small number of scenes with Old Norse in previous seasons too. And I also agree with you that it's one of the things that makes me really like this show.
"There's no cure for being a cunt." Bronn "King Stannis is my god." Davos "Who the fuck is Jon Snow?" Locke
Yes, I'm aware of it. And I wondered about it while watching the ep. But they've taken plenty of liberties with history before, so I thought they might be changing things up.
Is anyone still watching this?! Seven help us Season 3 is worse than 1. Only two eps in but after building up Lagartha to be Earl, now she's farming in Wessex while at home Karl is usurping her earldom (?) Ecbert is a two timing bitch. I just know it. And the lead actor is still terrible.
I had the idiotic genius idea to think that the Wanderer who stumbles about in the snow coming to our little village must be some kind of incarnation of a JC since Athelstane started bleeding form the hands and all women in Kattegat have collective dreams about him. I know the actor I just can't place him.
And more Rollo please. A girl cannot have too much Rollo
Episode 7 was so good and then 8 was just bad.
That Count Odo thing was set up half a season ago and ended up just as expected, which was lame, and the Chinese girl's death was just... it just kinda happened. Drugged Ragnar sucks, too. And Judith killing whatsherface was predictable as fuck.