I guess it would have been possible to have an AR flashback I suppose. I didn't think of that! It wouldn't have bothered me. I thought that's why the showrunners went with Nucky being offed like that: because it wasn't the real person. That one lived long after and I don't think did half the things that were in the show. But they were pretty close to the real historical accounts for all the rest who were mostly a one-to-one equivalent.
Deader than a doornail if you ask me Ry. I watched it again and he's pretty stiff there at the end. He was shot three times and one in the head. I don't see how he could have survived. Watch this featurette though. I loved it. www.youtube.com/watch They talk about the casting calls, the directing and writing, their favorite sets, their favorite scenes, the much feared call announcing the death of the actor’s character (see Jack Houston’s somewhere after the 24 min mark!) and it is interspaced with the auditioning tapes of many.