I shouldnt judge a movie on the trailer alone. But I can't help but feel this another lame remake along the lines of the already forgotten "Total Recall" remake.
The orginal Robocop is a masterpiece on so many levels, I am just too tired to list them all at the moment.
And if this movie ends up being PG-13, well...fuck it.
"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN
I shouldnt judge a movie on the trailer alone. But I can't help but feel this another lame remake along the lines of the already forgotten "Total Recall" remake.
The orginal Robocop is a masterpiece on so many levels, I am just too tired to list them all at the moment.
And if this movie ends up being PG-13, well...fuck it.