Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water. Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.
I have witnessed the battle! spoilers!!! spoilers!!! spoilers!!!
First of all let me say that I thoroughly enjoyed Godzilla, however it's not perfect.
Every scene involving Gojira is epic! I know epic is an overused word but it's perfectly suitable to describe his scenes. The battle between Godzilla and the Muto's are out of this world, the CGI is incredible and you really do get a sense of scale and chaos these creatures can cause.
The problems I had with the movie is that it is a very slow burn until you actually get to see Godzilla in action, you spend the majority of the movie following Aaron Taylor Johnson and his family. Now do get me wrong I can appreciate character development and building up suspense for the climax but the directer and editor just went a little overboard here. I get what they were doing, they wanted to show us the devastation through human eyes and show just how dangerous it is living in a world where monsters like that exist but it doesn't help that the protagonist is a little on the dull side. I like Aaron as an actor but the character he played here could of been doing with a little more emotion and charisma. And there's the issue of killing off Brian Cranston after about thirty minutes. He was arguably the best actor on screen and the emotional center of the movie, personally I would of rather followed him throughout the movie instead of ATJ's character but I got over it.
There's also a problem with teasing. During the movie there's two maybe three moments where you think fuck yeah we're about to see Godzilla throw down only to have the screen go black and switch to another scene elsewhere. The first time this happened I chuckled, it didn't bother me so much cause I kinda knew about it beforehand and it was early in the movie, however the second time it happened I was like really, you're going to play that trick again come on. They were probably down to budget restraints and paranoia over battle fatigue but I payed to see a Godzilla movie, I knew exactly what I was walking in to so just don't tease us so much in the sequel please. Maybe Pacific Rim spoiled me in that regard so I shouldn't be so hard.
This may read like a negative review but I honestly did enjoy the movie. The last half an hour of Godzilla completely gave me my moneys worth. Those scenes involving Godzilla kicking ass are some of the most popcorn pleasing moments I have ever gazed on the big screen in some time. Oh and when Gojira gives us one final roar before he dives into the pacific ocean you'll want to jump up and cheer.
For a second feature Gareth Edwards did an incredible job, he's one very talented young director and I can't wait to see where his career takes us.
I liked the monster, but I really wanted Pacific Rim where it's fight, fight, fight, and there are small, short periods of scientists and acting parts.
Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water. Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.