The good Terminator movies ended after Terminator 2.
This will be just another garbage remake of an 80's property like that Total Recall remake and that Robocop one, I like Alan and Clarke, but no.
It kinda blows my mind that that whole "future war", one of the least explored and coolest parts of the Terminator franchize have been all but ignored. Sucks.
"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN
ugh please, that girl will destroy the amazing Sara Connors . Now we are doomed to see her playing tough characters.
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).
Al, dunno about this. GoT has better directors than Alan Taylor, and better actors than Emilia Clarke. I think it would do her good to try a different kind of part in the future, because IMO she's simply not good at playing tough. Her toughness looks more like psychosis to me, maybe it's intentional? I don't know. Imma pass this one.
“The way that the character is written, it’s a machine underneath,” says Schwarzenegger. “It’s this metal skeleton, but above that is human flesh.”
“And the Terminator’s flesh ages, just like any other human being’s flesh,” continues the star. “Maybe not as fast… but it definitely ages.”
“Terminator deals a lot with time travel, so there will be a younger T-800, and then what that model does later on when it gets reprogrammed, and who gets a hold of him… there will be all kinds of interesting twists in the movie.”
“It will be challenging because it will be a new director, and it will be a really action packed movie,” he says. “And sometimes it does get more difficult when you’re 66 years old and doing this kind of action, versus when you’re in your 30s or 40s!”
this movie has no sense or purpose to me. And khaleesi sucks.
"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).