Pretty great if you're ready to suspend disbelief. It's pretty inconsistent in terms of the science behind it (some times believable and correct and sometimes borderline fantasy) but otherwise it's a great movie. The score is amazing as usual with Zimmer and the characters are great. It has a really cool robot too. A lot of cool ideas, and some really awesome visuals.
Mixed feelings. On the one hand I found it a beautifully crafted and ambitious movie, on the other the final act didn't give me the satisfying conclusion I was hoping for. I walked away liking the movie not loving it.
Mathew McConaughey's performance was outstanding, he almost had me in tears during multiple scenes, especially the one where he watches the recordings of his children. For me Hans Zimmer delivered another tremendous score. I know he's not everyones cup of tea but I continue to enjoy his work. The A.I robot was surprisingly funny and should put an end to all those nincompoops who think Nolan doesn't have a sense of humour.
Overall I feel like Interstellar might require more viewings to wrap my head around the final act and mind blowing theories. Or that I may appreciate the movie more as I mature. But at the moment it's probably me least favourite Nolan movie. Not saying it's bad by any means, just that I didn't fall deeply in love with it. 7.5/10
I do recommend you experience Interstellar in the theatre (IMAX if possible) because it's a visual spectacle you won't forget. And whatever you may feel about the movie you have to give Chris credit for putting it all out there and making such a bold movie. In this day and age of sequels and comic book movie dominance he showed colossal balls to make a movie like this.
Is this like Gravity in any way? I keep hearing this comparison and it just kills my appetite.
Ugh. Absolutely not. Not in any way. This actually has a story in it. There are some spacey space scenes that might remind you of Gravity but overall it's completely different. I think that if the trailer got you interested you should watch it.
I want to see Interstellar. I heard different opinions about it just like with Gravity. Nolan sometimes is getting this polarized reactions. I did like Gravity though. THX Al for the thoughts on it. I like Hans Zimmer soundtracks myself. Always have.
Finally saw it, not a perfect film, but very engaging nevertheless.
I found the first act dragged a bit, dealing with all the earth is doomed farm stuff. The second act was the best when they finally took off and the space journey was mesmerizing.
Then the ending, I see what they went for. But a part of me found it all extremely coincidental and convenient, which happens in a lot of Nolan movies where he throws logic out of the window and does whatever his story needs.
Two things that I found hilarious,
the black astronaut that waited 23 (!!!!!) years for them to come back....dude...I tell ya...I would've said *fuck it* after the first week...aww hell naw.
And when Murph
burnt down her brothers corn field, and then walks out with her damn morse code watch, and hugs
"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN