This is a youtube channel dedicated to the analisis of film form, it has some pretty interesting insights about filmmaking, specially editing techniques. I know almost everyone here are big movie/tv watchers so i think you guys would love this channel like i do
I wanna know what Don thinks about the videos cause he works with movies too right?
I wish that guy was paid to do that. I really think it would be great if he turned that into an actual.series about movies.
If anybody knows could you tell me if there are other shows/series similar to the videos on every frame a painting? I learn a lot of stuff from him and it really changes the way you watch movies when you get to know stuff like that.
Dolan, he DOES get paid to do it. There's money in posting YouTube videos that get large numbers of views. And he has 65k followers and a bunch of videos with hundreds of thousands of views. He's found an awesome niche for himself, and I hope he keeps it up. Thanks for the link.
There is an incredible amount of work and subtle tricks you can do with camera placement, lighting, is fascinating and a treat to learn about....and *try* to implement.
"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN
Dolan, he DOES get paid to do it. There's money in posting YouTube videos that get large numbers of views. And he has 65k followers and a bunch of videos with hundreds of thousands of views. He's found an awesome niche for himself, and I hope he keeps it up. Thanks for the link.
that's great BaS! but i'm talking about something bigger with either a tv show format or mabe mini-documentaries.
Don, i love to learn about this stuff, and yeah some of those must be a pain in the as! He mentions this director that sometimes shoots the same scene up to 65 times! forgot which director was but that is one demanding little fucker.