Ry, you'll probably forget to watch. I rather liked it. Felt horrible for the dayrape drug she got sprayed with, Happy Molly or what was it's name and definitely liked the break in the two loser cops did. Clearly the guy who hired Frank to find the hard drive and the Russian one who kept busting Frank's balls are colluding.
Two scenes worked well, the initial standoff in the kitchen had some good acting and tension.
And the orgy, while lacking and did have some good atmosphere and Rachel was really good in that scene.
Other than that, I had no idea what the deal was with the Mexican girl subplot, at first I thought that was the girl Rachel was looking for, instead that girl turns out at the party and gets rescued.
Also I have no idea who the dead guy was, his wife and the kid V.V was consoling, how come this season SUCKS terribly at keeping plots and characters clear?
Last season, we had all those intriquite plots happening over 3 (!!!) time periods and it was all quite clear. I guess last seasons director was the one that kept it all in focus.
"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN
Don, Frank (Vince Vaugh) was consoling Ben Casper's wife and kid. At least that's what I understood. And the the Mexican girl subplot was about the shooting. Apparently it was a thin white cop that gave her Ben Casper's things to pawn. They were following that lead because they wanted to get the hard drive and the missing tapes from Ben Casper's place. Now you make me wonder if I got all of that right
Don, Frank (Vince Vaugh) was consoling Ben Casper's wife and kid. At least that's what I understood.
See I went online, and I read that they were consoling "Stan's" wife and kid, Stan was the employee they found in the basement of the club with the same gouged out eyes...see? You also got confused.
This show I swear.
"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN
total confusion! Thanks. Don. That part was very unclear because I don't think I heard the name Stan and I'm pretty sure they didn't mention how attached Frank and his wife were of "Stan". I just thought it was Casper since everything revolves around him.
Don, Frank (Vince Vaugh) was consoling Ben Casper's wife and kid. At least that's what I understood.
See I went online, and I read that they were consoling "Stan's" wife and kid, Stan was the employee they found in the basement of the club with the same gouged out eyes...see? You also got confused.
This show I swear.
Yeah, I had figured that out. So at least one of us is paying attention. Also, there can be more than one Mexican girl. You racist.
Anyway, I really enjoyed the escape at the end. And the Russian dude bleeding suddenly. I thought that was phenomenal! I was on the edge of my seat.
"There's no cure for being a cunt." Bronn "King Stannis is my god." Davos "Who the fuck is Jon Snow?" Locke
I had my dad watch this episode with me (ugh, had to go get a drink during the orgy scene ) and of the "booze/drug scene" with Colin, my dad goes: "Judas Priest, what's the guy trying to kill himself?".
Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water. Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.
Loved it. Don't know why. I understood everything and when it was done half of it was gone Nah, I know Osip was ALWAYS playing Frank and Chessani's kid was in on it. Also the '92 cops that did the diamond's double murder apparently included Velcoro's Vinci boss. Don't know how Erica/Laura (the surviving daughter of the jewelry owner fits in... Revenge maybe? And I can't believe that just after saying all heros survive Paul buys it. :riot:
So anyway WHY did I love it? The whole ending of the ep felt like a '70 Alain Delon movie (see Un Flic for example) I positively LOVED it. The montage showing the different characters doing stuff, the soft melancholy music and sound, the dark (black and white tendency images) some because of Franks suit burning down the club, or the dark in those underground tunnels... or any combination of those. Cheesy that Ani hooked up with Ray but I suspect it is the instinctual fuck after a high strung emotional situation. And being cooked up in there with Colin Farrell. Boy I typed a lot. Anyway that's about all I can say right now.
I found myself singing, "burn baby burn (disco inferno), burn baby burn, burn that mutha down, Frank!" But no baufin'? Aww, you're kiddin' me, Colin
Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water. Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.
So when they killed Woodraugh, I was kinda like "meh", the season did not build him up into someone I cared for, and his lowly acting chops didn't help.
Ani and Ray hooking up, did they really have to? I did like it when he blew her off because she was high on molly, but still.
MVP for the episode was VV, some good momentum and moments for his character, him beating down his weaselly assistant and burning down his joints was very neat, tho I feel doing that will bring hell with it.
Lets go to the finale so we can see how this show limps to the finish line.
"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN
I'm finally caught up. I was okay with the last couple of eps of this show till the Blackwater (or whatever) scene. Then I got mad again. Lol. Who writes this shit? I'm good with golden boy being dead, but that was complete tripe. I wish they had done it at the beginning of the three episodes I watched instead of the end. I could have salvaged two and a half hours of my evening by turning it off.
I thought about the first shootout being a setup to kill the two dirty cops. It's a preposterous plot twist. The baddies staged a shootout between gangbangers and a bunch of cops with the goal of killing two particular cops? How did they talk those gangbangers into giving their lives to accomplish that? How did a bunch of gangbangers who spray bullets in random directions actually manage to kill their two targets? It's laughable.
Other than that, it's an okay show. I liked VV's showdown with the traitor. And I liked his little crime spree to get even with everyone. So I guess they'll kill him in the finale.
I'll watch the final episode, but I'm deeply disappointed in this show. Such wasted potential. I'll be surprised if there's a third season.
They didn't mess it up! total cheese on Ani's front. However I like cheese Can't believe they killed Pitlor. I was rooting for him to be in with Osip and the other guy! I was sure Frank will be out safe to be honest but Ray was clear as daylight he'll go to his son. And the Vinci PD was on to him. What shocked me was that the twins were Ben Casper's kids does that mean Ben pimped and his own daughter?!?! Pretty long finish and glad Ani made it.
Other than that, it's an okay show. I liked VV's showdown with the traitor. And I liked his little crime spree to get even with everyone. So I guess they'll kill him in the finale.
LOL you so right Basi, I should have seen it coming!
This is just hitting me. So that is the reason Lenny lost it at the Anaheim train station. Because he basically realized he killed his own father. On top of the incest. Pizolatto went all out with the Greek tragedy shit this season. No wonder he picked Antigone and Athena as names for two characters
... Pizolatto went all out with the Greek tragedy shit this season. No wonder he picked Antigone and Athena as names for two characters
Ha. So I guess the bar singer was a Siren? Hence VVs hypnosis when she sang at the end. Luring him and CF in for the demise, never being able to escape to a "normal" life. How very
I have some real issues with this season but first and foremost I felt the acting was so bad that it could not make the pain of the horrible writing any less endurable.
"If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt." - Dean Martin
Was going to hurl when the chick dick walked into the hotel room and saw Vince's wife holding that baby. I was going, "noooooo" and then it turned out to be the chick dick's baby, thank the Seven. Freaked me out. Too many good byes for Colin's character to make it, but I was hoping he would take out all of those crooks in the woods at the same time, somehow. I always felt like chick dick would jump off that boat at any moment and swim back to try and save him. Was really on the edge of my seat this whole episode. Really thought Vince's character would just walk out of the desert, but when the gang banger wanted his suit, ooops, that's all she wrote. Another "nooooo" minute. Also liked the "blade kid" who was totally off the rails, sitting in the airport and overhearing the conversation. I was not in love with the characters this year like I was last year, but it was enjoyable over all.
Rhaegar, despite wounding Robert, was struck down with a massive blow from Robert's warhammer, which scattered the rubies encrusted in Rhaegar's armor under the water. Rhaegar died with Lyanna Stark's name on his lips.
A decent ending episode, the character arches stayed where I expected them to.
The cabin shootout was a nice set piece, and I was kinda hoping Velcoro would take the money and run, but noooo had to say bye to chubs the boy, and VV could've just given the Mexican his jacket, but he had to be prideful and it cost him.
So is Ani planning revenge with Red? There might be more story there, but honestly I am done with this group.
Lets see if there even will be a season 3.
"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN
I have to agree with Ry. True Detective Season 2 was a piece of shit. I could say the same about S1 to some extent, despite the good acting and some fine directing, if only because Nic Pizza-latte fucking stole all the good bits from Thomas Ligotti's book "Conspiracy Against the Human Race".
After inflicting TD S2 on us, I have no interest whatsoever in a third season of his hack writing.
"By the Laws of Benioff and Weiss, I do sentence Linda Antonsson to death"