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Topic: HBO's Westworld

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Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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HBO's Westworld

In episode 2 when the Man In Black says: " I have been coming here for 30 years, since I was born here."
Hmmmm, something fishy about that guy.


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Defender Of The Realm
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That makes no sense. If he's coming TO Westworld that means he's from the real world. But if he was born IN Westworld 30 years ago that makes him a robot (he's definitely a lot older than 30 so I'm thinking he was made to look 50-60 to begin with), unless there is a double meaning to that like being reborn to a violent side of him. I haven't seen the ep yet. But it looks like more secrets are piled up.



Mistress of the Rookery
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I think he said "seems I was born here". It changes the meaning. I don´t really care who he is, I was just want him there. Always loved Ed Harris.


-- Edited by andrea on Sunday 9th of October 2016 08:34:24 PM


"I´d not prolongued the chewing up, Doc. Nor the being spat out. Not go out a cunt. It´s the dispatch I find inglorious. The whole delusory fucking self importance.". Al Swedgin ;).




Defender Of The Realm
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Yes, the MIB does say something like that, that sometimes it seems like he was born in the park, which goes together with the whole discovering who you could be that the guests are addicted to. He also speaks of the real world that's a chaos and an accident so there is that.

Who knows who he is, but it sure added to the whole mystery line for Ed Harris' character, because when the supervisor was asked if MIB should be slowed down, he took a look at the screen and walking away said "that gentleman gets whatever he wants." Looks like MIB is an old customer. Ed just kills it. Brutal scene in Lawrence's hometown and the little girl knew about this maze...

On the other side: freakout Meave and waking up in the workshop! The two asses who were working on her got the scare of their lives

New guy Jimmi Simpson's character seems a genuine good person. I hope he doesn't turn out to be like his friend the asshat.

The narrative guy getting shot down with his new storyline was precious and now we are left to wonder what Ford is working on? Is it something to do with that maze?

More questions than before!

Oh, Dolores has a gun. What is quite interesting is why was it buried and what is so special about a gun in the West where everyone's got one that this one needed to be buried. My guess? I bet this one can hurt humans!

In the category "Weird shit that I can't explain with any crazy supposition": Maeve's dream - she clearly had a storyline before being a mom in the farm outside Sweetwater, but somehow getting hunted down by Indians in her house and ending up with MIB trying to scalp her is super weird. I guess we'll get more later on.

Lots to say and I probably skipped half of what I wanted to say anyway.

One of the most interesting exchanges:
"Are you real?
Well, if you can't tell, does it matter?"

-- Edited by TormundsWoman on Sunday 9th of October 2016 10:17:28 PM



Grand Maesterbator
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My guess is Ford is gonna turn on the corporation by having the hosts rebel.


"If you drink, don't drive.  Don't even putt."  - Dean Martin

Grand Maesterbator
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Love this show so much. Gonna rewatch.


"If you drink, don't drive.  Don't even putt."  - Dean Martin

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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TormundsWoman wrote:

Oh, Dolores has a gun. What is quite interesting is why was it buried and what is so special about a gun in the West where everyone's got one that this one needed to be buried. My guess? I bet this one can hurt humans!

 This, after all the horrors that the guests do to the hosts, just imagine what would happen if one of the robots gets revenge!


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Defender Of The Realm
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Host uprising can only be done by Ford of Bernard, I think. Both seem inclined to think as themselves as "Playing God". And both covered for this "reveries/memory" upgrade. So definitely something to be considered. Which one though left the gun for Dolores? If that kills humans then it's from the outside world and not so many would play around with that... MIB maybe?



Lord Bannerman Of The Smileys
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DonalNoyesArm wrote:

I just realized there are kid robots in WestWorld too, and I guess the guests can do anything with them also? Ewww

 Didn't need to consider that. 


"There's no cure for being a cunt."  Bronn
"King Stannis is my god."  Davos
"Who the fuck is Jon Snow?"  Locke

Lord Bannerman Of The Smileys
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I think the kid Ford was talking to was a robot version of him as a kid.


"There's no cure for being a cunt."  Bronn
"King Stannis is my god."  Davos
"Who the fuck is Jon Snow?"  Locke

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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Cary Storm wrote:

I think the kid Ford was talking to was a robot version of him as a kid.



"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Defender Of The Realm
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Huh, Cary you might be on to something! The way the kid accepts that he won't come back to that place was so quick and strange... I guess I need to rewatch the ep!



Lord Paramount
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Berny and Whatsherface the big boss are purposefully triggering the Hosts IMO. To what end, no idea, but it was hinted at in the pilot that they have an agenda (perhaps related to the maze).


Dildomace- because rubber is for pussies

Defender Of The Realm
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Jent, what What'sherface? The Danish actress lady that Ry and Japie developed the hots for? I thought it was Hopkins who was the upgrade de facto boss. The Lady is the more like a liaison with the Corporate. I don't think she knows anything about the code writing that's making the host remember previous narratives.



Lord Paramount
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The fact they're sleeping together and their conversation made me think that


Dildomace- because rubber is for pussies

Defender Of The Realm
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Oh the maze has to be the storyline Ford is working on. It just has to; the MIB is finally crossing paths with Ford. I mean the little girl clearly said the maze is not for him. I am expecting "knock your socks off" acting encounter between Hopkins and Harris yippie



Defender Of The Realm
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Oh I see Jent. Maybe if she knew about Bernard's little talks with Dolores. Who knows at this point it's too muddy. Gotta say I'm happy you guys are watching this thing! I love it so far myself



Mistress Of The Coin
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Could that be all it is? MiB wants to play the new content before it even comes out? All I could think about while he killed everyone in sight is how boring that must be. There's no challenge if you can kill everyone without them being able to hurt you. You can impose yourself on anyone in any way because they don't actually have free will. I would be bored to death after 30 days of that, never mind 30 years. So maybe that's the next step that Ford is working on, giving some semblance of free will while still maintaining a level of control. Ford's "reveries" only make their world that much more horrific, and I don't think he cares at all about their suffering.

So is Dolores' new prize a real gun? Or is it only a "special" gun from the corporation that gives her a sense of empowerment without giving her actual power? I guess the real question is whether Ford is trying to liberate her or simply make his creations more real.

Cary, brilliant thought about the boy being young Ford. Although making a younger version of yourself that is destined to be repeatedly victimized is pretty sick.

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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I agree Basi.

I would think the park would be more fun if the hosts could at least stun you, as a gamer myself "God mode" is fun at first but quickly gets boring.

Maybe the maze is an experimental part of the park, where hosts can fight back and even kill you. Ooh fun.


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Lord Paramount
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Good thinking there


Dildomace- because rubber is for pussies

Defender Of The Realm
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Lol now that Cary said it and I've watched it again, it looks like the boy and the snake and everything about that scene is something created by Hopkins to wrestle with himself or some force bigger than him. In the end you'd have the snake, the innocent self and a little church cross in the desert in that sequence. If that doesn't smack of the maker as human developing himself an existential problem, I would be shocked. He's reached the portion where playing God he's allowing his creation free will. Total host uprising. Or maybe I read too much in that scene



Lord Bannerman Of The Smileys
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Black as Snow wrote:

Cary, brilliant thought about the boy being young Ford. Although making a younger version of yourself that is destined to be repeatedly victimized is pretty sick.

 I was thinking this was more along the lines as the boy was someone only he himself would encounter (and/or control)


"There's no cure for being a cunt."  Bronn
"King Stannis is my god."  Davos
"Who the fuck is Jon Snow?"  Locke

Mistress Of The Coin
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The video game-based angle has given me an amazing insight. MiB is a beta tester! And only a few at the top know. Either that or a secret shopper. They're going to get a bad review if they don't watch it.

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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Basi the showrunners said that they got many ideas from open-world video games. I would say the MiB is a hacker, accessing parts he is not supposed to for his enjoyment.


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Lord Paramount
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He's hacked his way into the hidden on-disc DLC


Dildomace- because rubber is for pussies

Defender Of The Realm
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Game reviewer makes sense. Wants Ford's next level early and exclusive.



Lord Paramount
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A lot of characters will die when the shit hits the fan


Dildomace- because rubber is for pussies

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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jentario wrote:

A lot of characters will die when the shit hits the fan

 Human ones! 


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Grand Maesterbator
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Rewatched last night. MiB is a total Beta Tester.


"If you drink, don't drive.  Don't even putt."  - Dean Martin

Lord Paramount
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He's looking for the Easter Egg


Dildomace- because rubber is for pussies

Lord Paramount
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I just read an interesting theory by some dude on YouTube (potential spoiler warning) that said Bernard is secretly a Host planted by Ford.


Dildomace- because rubber is for pussies

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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jentario wrote:

I just read an interesting theory by some dude on YouTube (potential spoiler warning) that said Bernard is secretly a Host planted by Ford.

 I have no doubt some of the "humans" we have seen are not quite what they seem. Ford also said: "I know how your mind works" to Bernard. Hmmm, we shall see.


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Defender Of The Realm
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It's funny because that theory works with Andrea's Gepetto and Pinocchio perfectly.



Defender Of The Realm
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For those that like to see advance photos, promos and teasers: I have to say I watched the "Easter egg" photo for 10 min and can't find anything. It's probably on Fords desk , right under my nose... I'm a beta tester



Lord Paramount
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Another wacko theory which I love is that William and his entire storyline are actually set 30 years earlier and that he's the young Man in Black.

I mean, just his name "Man in Black" implies there will be some form of a twist surrounding his identity.


Dildomace- because rubber is for pussies

Grand Maester of the Sausage Manufacture
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Seems a little early for theories... Anyways my experience with GOT/Asoiaf made me extra cynical about this stuff.

About the MiB, i took that line to mean the Man he became after 30 years of experience with the game.

This show takes on a whole new level compared to the movie, of course, but i'm afraid they might go too much the other away with too much convoluted stuff, i hope not.


Donal's Evil Twin


Mistress Of The Coin
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It's never too early for theories. Plus it's entertaining to be completely wrong when new information comes to light.

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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Dolan wrote:

This show takes on a whole new level compared to the movie, of course, but i'm afraid they might go too much the other away with too much convoluted stuff, i hope not.

 Some shows manage to find a nice balance in story and mysteries. "Lost" for example went the other end of the spectrum, adding mystery after mystery and in the end did not resolve many of them. 

But so far so good, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Defender Of The Realm
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Jent, where do you get this stuff?! It's making me think about the white hat. You know black hats and white hats were offered and William chose the white. I think there is an expression about "white hat/black hat" programmers who become hackers... William is a white hat guy, MIB is a black hat man. Maybe something happened that turned William into MIB 30 years ago. Holy crap. I need to watch the pilot again because they said something about the park last host malfunction. Maybe that was 30 yrs ago too.



Lord Paramount
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It was TW. It's all connected (allegedly). Everybody assumed the big event 30 years ago refers to the original movie, but perhaps not.


Dildomace- because rubber is for pussies

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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jentario wrote:

Everybody assumed the big event 30 years ago refers to the original movie, but perhaps not.

 I really hope they revisit or elaborate on that, 30 years ago is also when the man in black started coming to the park. What happened? What caused it? Since Dolores is as old as the park, does she remember what happened then?



"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Defender Of The Realm
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Posts: 2792

Yep, totally right you are Jent. I didn't have to watch much of the first ep and there it is Bernard and Theresa are talking about a restless host in the cold storage

Theresa: “Every time your team rolls out an update, there's a possibility of a critical failure.”
Beranard “We don't update the hosts in cold storage and the park hasn't had a critical failure in over 30 years.”

By the way, hilarious about the white and black hat, because first ep entrance sequence with the train entering the park, Teddy was sitting musing at the view he has from his window, and the two people behind him are talking:

First man: “Now, the first time I played it white hat. My family was here. We went fishing, did the gold hunt in the mountains.
Second: “And last time?
First: I came alone. Went straight evil."

Missed that completely the previous time. Bet there's many of these little things I completely overlooked.

-- Edited by TormundsWoman on Sunday 16th of October 2016 01:59:02 PM



Lord Bannerman Of The Smileys
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Okay, this show is getting super intense... freakout

That scene at the end.... they keep teasing as to when a host is going to turn and kill a guest... and when he smashed hi s own head in.

Didn't care too much for that long boring exposition about Bernard and his dead son though.


"There's no cure for being a cunt."  Bronn
"King Stannis is my god."  Davos
"Who the fuck is Jon Snow?"  Locke

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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That moment when Dolores finally pulled the trigger! freakout

That part when Ford was talking about the beginning of the park ( and I guess old-people-looking-young CG is now on Tv too!)

I guess they imply that Ford's partner "Arnold" was killed in the park, maybe that was the "incident" of 30 years ago.

Plus I had this thought on Twitter!



"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Lord Paramount
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It's possible episode 3 debunked both these theories.
Berny definitely seems human now, and William seems to have met present-day Dolores. Then there's the whole Arnold thing. I guess he's the one speaking to the bots turning them crazy, and it definitely seems like the 30 years-ago event is related to him. Then again, MIB is also potentially related.

-- Edited by jentario on Monday 17th of October 2016 02:27:32 PM


Dildomace- because rubber is for pussies

Grand Maester of the Sausage Manufacture
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Did they just did a bit of backpedaling here? It seemed at first that they were setting up Ford to be the one obsessed with A.I., the one who would eventually screw up and go to far with it, Now it seems they made Bernard to be the one, weird.

About the Arnold thing, seems a bit nitpicky on my part but why didn't they erased every bit of Arnold's programming when they decided against conscious Hosts? The main source of "bugs" in their programming seems to be the leftover programming Arthur did, and since last episode, it seems to be more than just leftover. It could be that they need it to make them work, but Ford's own version of the story makes it seem they started from scratch, anyways, seems like an emergency wipe is warranted.

-- Edited by Dolan on Monday 17th of October 2016 02:43:02 PM


Donal's Evil Twin


Defender Of The Realm
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I read the comments from the bottom --> up and I was wondering who the fuck is Arnold until I got the Don's post. Lol Haven't seen it yet but I want to say that as far as we know Dolores didn't hear any voices, did she? So this Arnold guy is not messing up her. I thought it was that phrase that triggered her "these violent delights have violent ends" because once she said it to Maeve that one started having the MIB/previous storyline memories while before her nightmares were implied to be because the asses from the repair sometimes forgot to shut off the robots memories. Anyway it looks like the show is moving along faster than I expected.



Lord Paramount
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Dolan wrote:

Did they just did a bit of backpedaling here? It seemed at first that they were setting up Ford to be the one obsessed with A.I., the one who would eventually screw up and go to far with it, Now it seems they made Bernard to be the one, weird.

About the Arnold thing, seems a bit nitpicky on my part but why didn't they erased every bit of Arnold's programming when they decided against conscious Hosts? The main source of "bugs" in their programming seems to be the leftover programming Arthur did, and since last episode, it seems to be more than just leftover. It could be that they need it to make them work, but Ford's own version of the story makes it seem they started from scratch, anyways, seems like an emergency wipe is warranted.

-- Edited by Dolan on Monday 17th of October 2016 02:43:02 PM

 I also felt some back-peddling.

The Ford from the first two episodes seemed to have a certain belief that his creations were something more than just coded recordings. He wants them to be as real as possible. And then episode 3 comes along, and suddenly he's no different than the rest of the staff and sees them as property.

It's possible he only really applied that approach when Bernard got close to finding his durty little secret (whatever it may be). Otherwise this is a bit of a plot hole as far as I'm concerned, or at the very least a confusing character moment.

And I agree with Cary on the whole Charlie (was it Charlie?) thing. We didn't need it to get stuffed down our throats. Frankly, his conversation with Dolores was enough to determine his son is dead and how that affects his relationship with the hosts. Having Ford then saying it outright (in a completely insensetive way, might I add) and later that painfully unnecessary scene with Bernard's wife just insults the intelligence of the viewer. They should have applied more subtlety in that sub-plot, instead of repeatedly shoving ut down our throats in the same episode.

Another little peeve (also bothered me in episode 2 when Maeve went exploring in the facilities) is that the staff are idiots. They never use the "deep and dreamless sleep" code, which makes no sense. It's as if the writers forgot they had that in the first episode.

This Arnold thing is aklo weird, and I have no idea where it's going. Other than that, this episode was great. As ever.


Dildomace- because rubber is for pussies

Wielder of the Baratheon BANHAMMER
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jentario wrote:
Another little peeve (also bothered me in episode 2 when Maeve went exploring in the facilities) is that the staff are idiots. They never use the "deep and dreamless sleep" code, which makes no sense. It's as if the writers forgot they had that in the first episode.

 It seems that code only works when they are in the park and the hosts are "in character", when a host is malfunctioning and/or the tech facility it seems they staff needs to use their tablets to activate "sleep mode".


"Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust.” -DN

Grand Maester of the Sausage Manufacture
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It seems the code didn't work cause they kept going at each other about putting her to sleep, i took that to mean they used the code but she woke up anyway.


Donal's Evil Twin


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