Seen 3 episodes, it's very good so far. Main character is compelling, Killgrave is good villain, stands in sharp contrast with all the lame MCU villains. I like the love interest as well. Some of the noir-ish dialogue is a bit boilerplate, but it's getting better.
"Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life" - Terry Pratchett
Is Simpson a gifted guy?! Who the hell is Koloz, Kowalski or whatever his name is?
And another, they made the villain way too good, writing and acting wise because I like him (except for all the mind control killing and rape! :lightsaber: ). What a fucked up childhood.
I have strong suspicion that Jeri the lawyer is shadier than my grey fall dress. And Jessica is 7 shades of weird hooking up with Luke. I don't blame his reaction. NOT ONE BIT! Very curious about the finish. I'm at ep 9 (which was a bit of a let down because of all the people going in that place and not one of them getting to shake Kilgrave in a serious manner. Except for the mom and dad but you saw how THAT worked out!
He's a damn idiot on top of being a freak-ish Universal Soldier.
On the whole, not a bad series (I still have to see the last two eps.) but honestly it's dragging it a bit too much. Did they HAVE to have
the mass hanging scene and Hope killing herself just for Jess to finally realize you can't win and get in line with Simpson's plan. Minus the killing of the innocent cop part.
Oh, the shady lady is truly shady! Loved that storyline and Carrie Ann Moss is awesome. AWESOME.
Just finished the last ep. Shocked to see Daredevil's Nurse ladyfriend there. I assume they will be intersecting the heroes' storylines at some point. Maybe do a crossover. Wonder which Marvel character is next. Anyway, thanks Don for the heads up. It was entertaining and I was pleasantly surprised to see how well Tennant does the villain after the good cop in Broadchurch (I think that's the one with the kid that got killed and he took lead from the Broadchurch cop)
-- Edited by TormundsWoman on Sunday 29th of November 2015 11:29:45 PM
Okay, I kinda love this show, probably more than Daredevil. Netflix has been killing it, yeah. I just finished episode 7 now.
For some reason the scene where Jones walks into the Police Department dripping wet and slams her neighbor's head on Lester Freamon's desk just made me laugh hard. And then feel bad about it (especially in the scene wih his sister asking about him and going mad). Also, Kilgrave is just a massive villain. I love it.
you like Killgrave! I don't know why that makes me happy to be honest. A horrible human being. Wait until you see he's family and his background! and keep and open mind too btw.
Another show that could have greatly benefited from a 6 or 8 episode season instead of 13. Shit really dragged on towards the end and it resulted in a cat-and-mouse chase for 6 or 7 brainless repetitive episodes where you could see the writers think "hmmm what kind of dumb shit can we think of now to stretch this show as far as we can." I am afraid Luke Cage is heading towards the same direction where I am enjoying the first three episodes but can't imagine they can keep up the storyline for 13 episodes.
Agree with you all except i felt like Daredevil season 2 wasn't as good as the first (the fight choreography sucked in comparison, i don't know why the abrupt change from the "realistic" aggression in season one to the *conservation of ninjutsu* acrobatic stuff in S2) i felt like the Daredevil's acting unconvincing, Elektra was plain bad, i loved the Punisher though, so there's that, let's hope his own show does better. Kingpin was good but not as good as S1, and the entire plotline felt convoluted and unconvincing, if the baddies had the super-ultra-mega weapon that could destroy the U.S. why aren't the "big" superheroes on to them? How did they kept the a secret for millennia? Ehh.. i know this is from the comics but i think the minor heroes should keep their stakes lower in their series.